The Ministry of External Relationships of Cuba was constituted December 23,1959 by means of the law 663 in substitution of that of State, dependence created since the time of the first North American occupation and designed to serve the interests of that nation and, therefore, unable to satisfy political and organically the imperatives of the foreign policy of the nascent Revolution.
The decision, to proposal of Raúl Roa now 50 years ago, went beyond a change of name of the organism in charge of executing the foreign policy in the new Cuba. It symbolized the firm position of independence, sovereignty and social justice that would characterize the chore of the institution.
The first document in which the sovereignty of Cuba was reaffirmed the worthy answer went to the insolent note sent by the government from United States with reason of the promulgation of the law of Agrarian Reformation.
In essence was affirmed: "It is inalienable ability to dictate, in exercise of it sovereignty and to the help of treaties, conventions and pacts of universal character, the measures that judges but adecuated.In consequence, the Revolutionary Government claims the ability to decide what estimates in agreement with the vital interests of the Cuban town and doesn't admit any indication or proposal that spreads to impair, in the most minimum thing, the sovereignty and the national dignity."
The mission of the MINREX has been from then on the execution of the foreign policy of the country and to contribute to its elaboration. In a same way to promote and to defend, in the international relationships, the principles, values and interests that sustain it, based on the limits that emanate of the politics of the maximum instances of the Communist Party of Cuba, the National Assembly of the Popular Power and of the Council of State.
Cuba has used all the international tribunes to condemn the unjust international economic order; all colonialist practice, hegemonist, injerencist and discriminatory in the international relationships, as well as the threat of the employment of the force, the adoption of unilateral coercive measures, any form of terrorism and of discrimination for reasons of race, credo or opinion.
The Island has maintained for half century its accusing index against the unjust economic, financial and commercial blockade to that it is subjected on the part of the government of the United States; as well as against the Law of Cuban Adjustment and the whole legislation promulgated in that country to impede the normal relationships with it town.
The justness of the foreign policy of the Cuban Revolution, of which the Ministry of Relationships Exterior is executioner, it is endorsed especially by the solidary position of Cuba with all the towns of the world of the Third World.
Test of it is it that the Caribbean country has diplomats relationships at the moment with 181 countries and it is integrated to all the international organizations of the system of United Nations.