A web site dedicated to the popularization of the actions that develop the Juvenile Technical Brigades (BTJ) in the Pedagogic University José Martí of this city, was located in the intranet of the Ministry of Education.
The graduated Geisel García Vidal, author of this initiative and president of the BTJ in the educational institution, conceived this means for the information, superation and the investigating youths' motivation that are part of the scientific movement in the county of Camagüey.
By means of that place you can consent to scientific materials and specialized bibliography, besides knowing and interact with the events and processes that can interest the members of the juvenile organization.
It has a gallery equally in which pictures of the participation of the brigadists are exposed in scientific days, conferences and exchanges with specialists of centers that present outstanding results in the investigation.
Yaneisy Castillo Ramos, member of the National Council of the BTJ, commented to the AIN that the creation of this space gives to the fret with the necessity that there was in the county of disclosing the experiences of the investigating youths, of summoning to events and of consulting different bibliographies.
It constitutes a fact that should be systematized and to be generalized in Camagüey and much more, Castillo Ramos who is also directress of the Center of Study of Instructive Games and Sotware assured (CEJISOFT), first of its type in the country, inaugurated March 16 ,1993.(Yaniuska Macías Rivero)