The diversification of the production of foods is a priority of the country.
Camagüey. The employment of traditional methods, cocktail with the application of novel modalities in the production of foods, constitutes priority in the Cooperative of Credits and Services (CCS) Strengthened “First of May” in the municipality of Camagüey of Mines, as Jorge Miranda Peral explained to, president of that grouping.
The breeding of pigs, the production of cow milk and of chiva, the development of the obtaining of bee honey and the viands cultivation and fruit-bearing diverse, are among the main lines to those that are devoted the cooperativists that is located among those of advanced in that northern territory of Camagüey.
Of equal forms there are partners that are devoted to the breeding of horses and mules, and the cultivation of varieties of fish of fresh water is also fomented, where results are already appreciated in the well-known place as “The Balastrera”, located in the circumvallation via Nuevitas.
Miranda Peral, president of the Strengthened CCS “First of May” of the municipality of Mines, highlighted that with the delivery of lazy lands for the production of foods, new partners were linked to the cooperative what allows to increase their results. (Eric Pacheco Fandiño)