martes, 26 de enero de 2010

Love between Martí and his son

By:María Elena Balán Saínz

In general we know more than historical facts played by Cuban patriots that of thier family life, for that reason in this occasion we will refer to the love among José Martí and his son José Francisco.

In the literary work of Martí can be appreciated how much he wanted his descendant, to who wrote before leaving to the Necessary War where had wanted to take him next to him and he promised him that if something passed him he would receive his leontin, as his father's memory.

Of our National Hero's son there are not very well-known facets. He qualified him in his verses as winged, flashing, judicious, with the enough capacity to suffer, to think and to love.

Five years they hardly lived together José Martí, his wife Carmen and his small son. It was August 27, 1891 the last time that our National Hero saw his Ismaelillo, in his mother's union in United States. In that year, Martí wrote verses of deep autobiographical print.

When José Francisco Martí returned to Cuba next to his mom they lived in Camagüey, where he graduated of high school,s tops then to register Civil right in the University of Havana.

After the events of May 19, José Francisco wrote to Gonzalo de Quesada so that he told him if they were certain the rumors of his father's death.

The son of Martí incorporated to the fight, like it was his progenitor's will, and under the orders of Calixto García reached Captain's grade. They assigned him the horse Baconao that the Teacher had used in the redentore farms.

To the 66 years José Francisco died who was married until his decese with María Teresa Bances and they lived in the large house where he resides at the moment in the Cuban capital the Center of Marti`s Studies , property that received like wedding gift for the girlfriend's family.

The poor Pancho

By:Ernesto Pantaleón Medina / Televisión Camagüey

His name was Francisco, but in the neighborhood all they called him Pancho. He was a popular man, of those to who all greet with affection, due to his jovial character, his prompt smile and his disposition of helping anyone to solve those small problems that affect the homelike operation with insistence.

That it was damaged a team, or it is necessary to paint a wall, or to carry out an electric connection, there Pancho was, and between jokes and jokes he left resolved the setback.

But a defect put a dark cloud in my neighbor's life: the drink, not for the very common fact of ingesting some that another glass, but for the frequency with which it was given to what called for some strange reason his "whiles friends."

First the wife, then who knew him closely, they noticed him that a dangerous road traveled and in slope, but he didn't assist to any reason , centered in an apparent enjoyment.

He lost everything: the relationships with the neighbors, for his freshness, and more than a sour discussion he had it as drunk main character; in the work the reiterated absences forced to the administration to take severe measures, after many alerts and calls to the order, lastly, the divorce arrived, and the trauma made worse that that was the main cause: the alcohol.

The slope became had itched, and it was frequent to find dirty Pancho, with hallucinated eyes, in any corner, murmuring incoherent sentences, or throwing insults against everything and against all.

He received countless help, from the near relatives, or the acquaintances, until the state institutions in charge of the attention to the social cases and even the reclusion in a especialized center …all in vain, each apparent victory took to a relapse, for lack of own will.

Some days ago a news shook the neighborhood: The good Pancho had just died in a hospital institution, to the 42 year-old age, after reconciling with the wife, the children and siblings, and count that in the last instant he sketched a smile, poor person copy of that frank and kind expression that earned him so much sympathy.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

Novel team of Imagenology in Camagüey

By:Olga Lilia Vilató

In the service of Imagenology of the university hospital Manuel Ascunce Domenech put into operation a new team: the fluoroscope, of high technology and acquired at a cost of 60 000 dollars, while the civil installation ascended to 16 000 pesos in national currency.

The doctor José Ramón Guerra, boss of that department, gave to know to the press that by means of the fluoroscope lung biopsies, kidney, abdomen, bone are carried out; radiological studies of the digestive tract; and urologic investigations investigations.

Camagüey rejuvenates to almost half millennium of having been founded

By: Rosa María Moros Fernández

There hardly subtract some days so that one of the first seven villages been founded by the Spaniards in Cuba: Santa maría del Puerto del Príncipe, arrive to its anniversary 496.

Beyond the exact chronological fact, the truly transcendent thing in its almost five existence centuries, it is the contribution bequeathed by each generation to the Cuban nationality, in history terms and culture.

The next February 2 will also mark the first anniversary of the official proclamation for the UNESCO, as Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity, of the oldest segment in the City.

The recognition has stimulated the continuation of a well structured renovation program that, still amid limitations and difficulties, it advances insofar as possible.

Highlight in this zeal the specialists of the Historian's Office who rescue the most autochthonous in the town, preserving a patrimonial group that transcends as only in more than a sense.

And it is that the evolution, development and consolidation of a very particular cultural process in the Camagüey, are alive in the idiosyncrasy of its inhabitants and in the enrichment of its environment.

The historical memory with which we cohabit implies a challenge then for those who reside in this portion of the Cuban geography.

To assume it means inward the values of the place that we inhabit, and with the one that daily have that interact, respecting its essences.

Each local resident's coherent behavior with the space that frames goes a lot beyond the commemorative dates, and essential component of that culture citadine that is still insufficient becomes.

To preserve the values of a city that almost 496 years ago denominated Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe, it is to surrender to the generations to come a legacy that, beyond the small limit of Camagüey, it belongs to the world.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

Camagüey contributes with the swinish production to diminish imports

The production of pig meat in the county of Camagüey grew in 2009 around eight percent, that which helped to the national economy to diminish imports.

Sources of the Swinish Company Camagüey, of the Ministry of the Agriculture, affirmed that the increment was superior to the 630 tons, when reporting eight thousand 160 tons marketed with the industry procesator or the retailer market .

Also, all the destinations were completed, as supplying to factories of foods to elaborate sausages directed to the family basket and to give to hotels, restaurants and stores that operate in freely convertible currency.

At this time the pig leg is quoted in the world market to two thousand 210 dollars the ton.

Enrique González, director of the entity, said that the main result was in the established agreements with cooperative of affiliated peasants to the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) who achieved figures above the seven thousand tons.

The fruit of the registration is in that production form and the purchase of pigs to matters, in which Camagüey stands out in the country with a monthly average of 340 tons.

In practice since last decade amid the special period of the Cuban economy, the agreements consist in that the state company sells to producing animal cooperativized with a weight from 16 to 20 kilograms, and five months later acquires them with not less than 81 kilograms.

The family of Marcelino Viera and its children are the biggest breeders in the county who marketed with Swinish Camagüey 100 tons of meat in the 2009.

Jorge Viera who took in usufruct 26,8 hectares of lazy lands of an agricultural company in the periphery of this city, he said to the AIN that with the amplification in 2010 the production could ascend to 150 tons, mainly starting from getting in way local food for the pigs in it feeds.

Of maintaining the sustained increase the last three years , Camagüey hopes in the current to reach 10 thousand tons that would be almost thousand on the record of 1989.

The biggest nation in the world

By:Ernesto Pantaleón Medina \ Televisión Camagüey

The ALBA , created by Fidel and Chávez in Havana in December of 2004, contains until today to 9 nations, in an appreciable block, with a superior population to the 75 million inhabitants who are not welcomed to an alliance based on laws of the Market, but in the solidarity and the mutual benefit.

As test of it are executed more than a hundred programs in sectors like the health, the education, the energy, the agriculture, the feeding, the mining, the industry, the finances and the telecommunications, among others.

Decisive steps are the creation of the ALBA Bank, with headquarters in Caracas, important for the financial support of the economic and social objectives, and the appointment of the SUCRE (for the time being virtual currency) that will substitute to the dollar in the transactions among the countries members.

Other achievements are the creation of economic groupings in trade and investments, the construction of refineries, electric plants and other industries. Bolivia, for example, would guarantee the supply of gas to all the South American countries.

A simple calculation hurtles like balance the biggest and fairrer exchange among the nations, more development starting from concrete programs, and mainly, more labor sites, in contrast with reports of the International Organization of the Work that report the sustained growth of the unemployment, even in highly developed countries.

The data place the world figure in about 2l0 million people without work, or what is same, without sustenance.

And while Japan, a commercial and technological power, recognized that faces the worst economic crisis from the Second World War, nations that gradually leave of the Neo-liberal pattern come to recover although discreetly its economies. Argentina, for example, reached in the ends of 2009 a favorable balance between the imports and the exports, while 36% of the purchases carried out them in the mark of MERCOSUR.

Leaders of the continent, as Venezuela, enlarge their commercial pitch toward other geographical areas. Caracas established 29 agreements recently with China, in sectors like the energy , the agriculture and the mining, for only to mention some.

With measured and firm step, the creation and acting of the ALBA begins to sum up the dreams of Martí and of Bolívar, of creating a single and big America, "the biggest nation in the world", as the Liberator called it.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2010

Fulfill Camagüey reforestation program

By:María Socarrás Hernández

This county planted during last year 5 millions 475, 100 postures of trees, in its majority pine in 4 thousand 022 hectares, according to information of the Forest Service (SF) of this territory.

As in the rest of the country a group of entities and institutions, under the direction of the SF,integrate for municipality the commissions in charge of materializing the programs that in last year in spite of the material limitations and the world crisis were completed.

Although the wood species of the pine occupies the first place,were also included with preference the cedar and the palm, this last abundant in the county, but affected the plantations for the hurricanes of the 2008.

The green strips of protection to the sources of water continued closing the few empty spaces to fill and 21 forest properties were created, so important for the increment, conservation and protection of the flora.

The territory possesses 350 thousand hectares covered with forests, in its majority of natural origin and unite 12 thousand with young plantations for 22.42 percent of boscocity index.

The program of the 2010 for the reforestation conforms to with similar figures to those of last year.

Although the country suffers the consequences of the world economic crisis the zeal is to continue multiplicand the forests, mainly when the climatic change opens up incognito.

“The Cubans don't accept humiliations of anybody”

By:Amaury M. Valdivia Fernández

Terrorist is the epithet again with which the North American Imperialism seeks to defame Cuba, but as always has happened, they won't be able to deceive anybody, neither inside of neither outside of the Island.The workers of the services confirm this way in Camagüey who face every day the aggressions of Washington with its work.

“It is totally false all that outline, and the world knows it”, Yamila García Rodríguez, worker of the cafeteria La Ragazza, located in the middle of center of the provincial capital. “Cuba only takes to all parts the solidarity among the towns, the idea of a future better. Our doctors and teachers, all our collaborators that are in many countries of Latin America, Africa...are the best sample in our internationalism and our humanism.”

With her coincides Mirtha Ramos Moreno, also worker of the converged gastronomic space. “Nobody will be believed this lie and that is in fact what more disturb the Imperialism. For a lot the Cubans have demonstrated them that we want and we can be free, we have stayed faithful to the Revolution, and that despairs them so much that even invent lies so irrational as this that will also be destroyed.”

On the other hand, for Eduardo Cardet Villadóniga, administrator of the bakery Republic, is only a new North American maneuver that won't arrive anywhere. “The Cubans are unable to attack somebody, it is not in our idiosyncrasy; but neither we accept humiliations of anybody. We have made this way always and for that reason try to accuse us.

In Camagüey, the biggest cloth doll of the world

The biggest cloth doll of Cuba and of the World, made by 20 artisans of Camagüey,will be exposed in this city of Camagüey the coming February 3, like part of the programmings of the Week of the Culture of the municipality.

This will extend from the first and up to the seven, dedicated to greet the arrival of the anniversary 496 of the Historical Center of the old village of Camagüey and to the first of its declaration for the UNESCO like Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity.

The doll is fruit of the tesoner making of the activist Carmen Soto González who from her project CARSUEÑOS - belonging to the Provincial Center of Houses of Culture - for several years carries out an arduous community work that includes, fundamentally, the handmade chore.

For its making was indispensable - besides the competition of the artisans - the collaboration of many citizens, by means of recortery donations and other elements, with the objective of facilitating its billing.

Given the extraordinary dimensions of the Cloth Doll of the Project CARSUEÑOS, it will be hoisted with a crane February 3, at five in the afternoon, in the central Square of the Workers. (Yolanda Ferrera Sosa)

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010

Message of the team of Adelante in its anniversary 51

The newspaper Adelante turns 51 years. It is written and and said quick…and until almost easy. But, although for some the time has seemed to fly, it has not been easy neither only one day, neither a single letter neither a single zeal.

Gigantic efforts and gigantic commitment involves to have been the first newspaper of the Revolution, to be born of her, with her, hardly twelve days after the victory, hardly when Fidel alerted us that the biggest work was still to conquer.

Gigantic efforts and gigantic commitment involves to have been born in Camagüey, to be modeled by a valiant and learned town, of shame and of history, a town whose sacrifice work and love has filled the pages of Adelante agrees with to the men and women of Adelante to go ahead toward superior horizons.

Gigantic efforts and gigantic commitment involves the example of Agramonte; in our first page, his figure, in our first thoughts,his impront; for that reason anything better than these flowers, any place better than our space that takes his name, to commit to be better journalists, better revolutionaries, better humans, men and worthy women of been calling agramontinos.

Adelante turns 51 years. After half century of march with the Revolution that that is to say with the Party and with the agramontinos, we are proud of having accompanied them in the momentous and difficult moments, in the small daily greatness, in the immense thing, in the sublime thing, but we know that still lack a lot to make.

For that we have the print of the founders, of those that then under difficult conditions continued the work, of each generation that, chord to its time, has contributed to write this history.

For them, the grateful memory of the Adelante of today, an Adelante that works to be to its people's height and of its time, a before several generations and an aspiration: to continue in the vanguard of the ideological combat and to resemble more every day its Camagüey and its people.

Electric workers of Camagüey greet their Day

By:Enrique Atiénzar Rivero

Eves of the Electric Worker's Day, associated to this sector in the county reinforce the productive commitments to celebrate the date with results that they strengthen the economy.

Shows this way in the biggest investment in the National Electric Union in Camagüey, located in the industrial city of Nuevitas, where the new battery of electrogens groups is enlarged, worked with fuel oíl like fuel.

Little more than half hundred of men and women that work in the electric branch will receive January 14 the Medal “Ñico López”, them with 20 years and 25 them, of excellent services in the different workspaces, assured Marlia Allen, member of the Secretariat of the Chemical Union, Miner and Energy in the territory.

That recognition will become effective in the provincial OBE and in the thermoelectric “October 10” for the workers of that center and of the Company of Maintenance to Central Electric (EMCE)

The date settles down January 14 because one day like that, but of 1934, the revolutionary and anti-imperialist leader Antonio Guiteras Holmes promulgated the intervention of the not well called Cuban Company of Electricity.

“Posada Carriles" removed me to my daughter”, mother of Camagüey accuses

It is a tremendous nerve, affirmed Inés Sánchez Salazar, with the pain of her murdered daughter in the crime of Barbados, when condemning the epithet of terrorist country assigned to Cuba by the yanki Government.

Gallery: Cuba demands justice

They are some…, and completed the expression with a thick sentence, without vulgarity in the lips of a mother hit forever by loss of Inés Luaces, esgrimist and student of Estomatology, died by the sabotage to a ship of Cuban of Aviation October 6,1976.

Posada Carriles removed me to my daughter, 20 years old, and he continues free in the United States, the old woman delimited, in her dialogue with the AIN.

It is a new lie, because there the terrorism has complicity and suit, the interviewee added who will complete the 80 years in May.

I will be revolutionary until the death, she underlined in front of her Inés's picture, of little deep and dreamer, and taken look before the youth, member of the juvenile national team of fencing, contributed to the scepter obtained by the Island in a Central American appointment and of the Caribbean of that discipline.

The woman of Camagüey was among the most outstanding members in the facility.

I dream reiterately of her, and sometimes until I have the impression that she visits me, the speaker admitted who suffers of a diabetic neuropathy.

I receive attention of the family, of the friends, of the neighbors and of the State, practically I cannot walk, but from my rocking chair I have a rampart of the Revolution, concluded Inés Sánchez Salazar, with her torrent of tears inside.

Earthquake in Haiti: natural disaster that makes worse tragedy and poverty

The devastating earthquake that shook Haiti collapsed again to that impoverished nation in a tragedy even unknown today for the international community for the collapse of the systems of communications.

The broken into fragments news received in this capital are more and more alarming and refer the destruction of important part of the infrastructure of the capital of that country, the poorest in the hemisphere.

The first pictures published in the press of the Dominican Republic show part of the magnitude of the disaster, with images of numerous knocked down constructions, among them the emblematic National Palace, the government's headquarters.

Fuentes Haitian diplomats advanced that the president, René Preval, meets with life, still when they didn't offer bigger details on its situation.

The Haitipal televisore, of Puerto Príncipe, informed that also the ministries of Finances, of Work, of Communication and of Culture suffered serious damages.

The source pointed that the hospital of the residential area of Petion Villa, in the outsides of the capital, collapsed, but still lacks reports on damages to people.

United nations pointed out in an official statement that their facilities in Puerto Príncipe suffered serious damages and several of the employees are missing.

Still in the first hours of today lacks news on the death toll and wounded, but humanitarian sources suppose it is high.

In the Dominican Republic, the Seismological Institute of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo assured that the earthquake felt with force in several areas of this nation that shares the island The Spaniard with Haiti.

The director of the institution, Eugenio Polanco, affirmed that the earthquake is the strongest happened in the island after of 1946 which had an intensity of 8,1 grades in the scale of Richter.

The director of the Center of Operations of Emergency, general Juan Manuel Méndez, announced that the was adopted "Plan Lightning" that includes the mobilization of the armed forces, to help the population and to guarantee the security and the order.

According to the Geologic Institute of United States, the earthquake had an intensity of 7,0 grades in the scale of Ricther and happened to the 16:53 local time (21:53 UTC).

It epicentre was located to 15 kilometers to the Southwest of Puerto Príncipe, in the latitude 18,45 grades north, longitude 75,44 grades west, with a depth 10 kilometers, of agreement with that source.

The Institute informed of 12 later replics that varied from 5,9 to 4,5 grades in the scale of Richter.

Among so much, several countries of the region already announced the beginning of preparations for the shipment of help, among them Venezuela, Nicaragua, Argentina and United States.

martes, 12 de enero de 2010

To produce rice substitutes imports in Florida

[To produce rice substitutes imports in Florida. The production of rice in this municipality recovers to be secured like one of the autosupply programs that better answer can assure to the zeal of substituting imports.

Numerous producing of the territory are inserted in this branch of the agriculture, motivated by better attentions and for the presence of resources for the seed and rice crop.

Today the reality offers a better horizon for those who cultivate that favorite food in the plate of the Cubans, because inputs, modern machineries and contracts of more seriousness aid the desire and the productive will of those men.

And the premise in the work cannot be another that to take advantage of the new benefits of resources and attentions offered by the complex rice Ruta Invasora, in the county of Camagüey, to improve the production from last upward year to 1 700 tons of the grain.

In the hands of the farmers of rice in Florida is not alone the secret of the production of this cereal, but the commitment of to supply the demand of the municipality and to save a remarkable foreign currency expenditure in the commercial expenses of the country. (Pedro Pablo Sáez)

Cattle men of Camagüey looks for more efficient productive formulas

The search of more and better productive results presently year by means of an efficient administration of the available resources in each unit, motivated the debate among specialists, directive and jeans of the Cattle Company of Camagüey and of the Station of Grasses and Forages of the county.

The snort milk is considered as a nutritious food

Luis Morales, director of the cattle entity specialized in the breeding of buffalos, shared the experiences of his community, and it meant the profitable of these encounters in the purpose of fomenting the grasses in the dairies, in accordance with the existent mass and the necessary areas of cane, king grass and leucaen, among other sources of food animal.

The Cattle Company of Camagüey, with grateful efficiency in the handling and milk of the bufalina mass, contributed last year near half million of liters of milk - for the most part of snort -, and for the current one should increase that figure in about 200 000 liters with the opening of other three dairies.

Also in the 2009 the entity stood out in lines like the sale of buffalo meat and of bovine, in the breeding of pigs, in the production of several cultivations - that allowed them autosupply by 60 percent of rice -, and as ovine multiplier when supplying from foot of breeding to other companies and units.

Endorse the Cattle of Camagüey also the effectiveness of its managerial administration and the work of two of their units: The Baby and The Hint, examples in Cuba for the results in the production of milk of snort . (Raysa Mestril Gutiérrez)

Pictorial show for anniversary 51 of Adelante newspaper

By:Adolfo Silva Silva

Paintings with critic texts

Specialized figure in the lobby of “Adelante”, in one shows for the anniversary 51 of that newspaper, first press organ created in the country after the victory of the Revolution.

Programmed until ends of February in the gallery Nicolás Guillén, inaugurated in 2005, gathers works selected exclusively by healers, authors also of the texts.

The squares belong to Gabriel Gutiérrez, Joël Besmar, Yenela Trenhs, William Lezcano, Osmany Soler, Osmar Yero, Rodrick Dixon and Joël González.

The Cuban lightweight jacket, evocations of elements of the primitive art, the human face, the couple's love, and index to the citadine environment, are part of the scenes of the exhibition.

One of the most attractive paintings is “Entrecalles”, in which William Lezcano reflects references to popular traditions and the old urban context of Camagüey, in images materialized by means of polish of Judea and with appearance of a series of old pictures.

In the environment of the most remarkable visual impacts and of realization is also "Supplement of the desire”, a tripartite face physics and gestually created by Yenela Trenhs.

Among the healers figure the doctors Olga García Yero and Luis Álvarez, the máster Ernesto Escobar and the graduated Pável Barrios, all award-winning with the national prize of the art critic's “Guy Pérez Cisneros.”

Adelante arose on January 12,1959, today ago 51 years, as organ of the Movement July 26 in Camagüey.

Young of today, strength of the Homeland

By: Raysa Mestril Gutiérrez

People form Camagüey - and fundamentally the most inexperienced -are inmersed in the preparations of the Ninth Congress of the Union of Communist Youths (UJC), to take place in next April, signed for a conviction: the new generation will take its historical list ahead and won't allow to fall the flag of the Socialism.

The chore in each student labor and collective center has pressed the acting of the new pines well inside, taking out to the light dozens of ideas and proposals calls to demonstrate in any circumstance the protagonism of the juvenile troop in the Cuban society of the XXI century.

The representation of Camagüey to the event, integrated by about 50 boys of having proven delivery, will have the magnificent opportunity to share with the young vanguard of the country an enriching debate that will trace future roads. In the combat against everything that that threatens the Revolution… in the eternal oath of safeguarding the glorious work of more than five decades.

In that select group will be a trio of children of Agramonte that will travel to the capital of the Island with the honorable range of direct delegates, as exponents of advanced of collective where the fresh impulse of the youths is inapagable.

They are this way and there are thousands as them, because in the teacher of the University of Camagüey Indira Mariño Batista, in the milker of the cattle unit “Homeland or Death” Elio Rivera Ledea and in the engineer Ronny González Betancourt, of the Thermoelectric October Ten, of the northern Nuevitas, virtues and troubles, merits and commitments that belong to an entire generation melt.

Already this Saturday, by Santa Cruz del Sur, the process of assemblies opened up at municipality level. There, where the hurricanes Ike and Paloma sought unsuccessfully in the 2008 to sow destruction forever, the youth was devoted to knit purposes that speak from a more similar UJC to time and enlisted to conquer sheerrer summits.

The key of it - have ratified many - it is in the frank discussion of the problems, each who from its daily trench, with two questions as motive of the action: “what I can contribute, and what I should make for not failing Fidel, neither to Raúl, neither to my town.”

lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

Celia Sánchez in the heart of the people of Camagüey

Celia Sánchez print is everywhere: in a school, an infantile circle, a factory and in each work of the Revolution in this county, for it with songs and poems the students ofCamagüey surrendered tribute this Monday morning to the Cuban Heroine, in the anniversary 30 of her physical disappearance.

In vibrant performances in the primary school Josué País, of the capital city, the smallest drew the woman that adorned her hair with a butterfly, our national flower, expression of her fineness and fondness, and in symbolic episodes remembered her while helped to the expeditionary of the Granma yacht.

Together the students, the workers remembered facts in those that participated this brave Cuban , first in integrating the Rebellious Army and loyal to the Commandant in Boss Fidel Castro, during 23 years that they worked together.

This way, in multiple ways, Celia was to the dawn of this Monday in the heart of everything Camagüey and her example in her functions as Secretary of the Presidency and of the Council of Secretaries, as integral of the Council of State, as communist militant, as deputy to the Cuban Parliament... is today and will always be inspiration for the children of Agramonte. (Aramis González Cruz)

Scientific Community of Camagüey advances in investigations for the treatment of allergies

The development and the production of vaccines for the treatment of allergic illnesses, are a constant concern of the scientific community of Camagüey, starting from the carried out investigations in a combined way with other centers of the country.

The employment of new products of the Cuban biotechnology, in the diagnosis and cure of the allergic reactions is effective, although in some cases the benefits are not appreciated in an immediate way.

On the other hand, it is decisive the participation of the physicians of Camagüey in the clinical rehearsals on new medications, as the Cuban vaccine VALERGEM and other farmacs dedicated to the treatment of the diverse allergy types caused by foods and other agents.

The benefit of consultations specialized in allergies - in all the municipalities -, and the application of the well-known technique for immunotherapy, of having proven effectiveness in the treatment of that pathologies;also evidence the results of the territory of Camagüey in this field of the medicine. (Alex López Almaguer)













sábado, 9 de enero de 2010

Forum dedicated to area Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity

By:Adolfo Silva Silva

Experts from Mexico, Argentina, Spain and Cuba will debate the plan of attention to the Humanity's sector Cultural Patrimony in this town, one of the first erected by the Spaniards in America.

The appointment will be made the next 29 and 30 in a shop to enrich the proposal, in partial phase of application, and in consonance with the referred status, granted in 2008 by the Organization of the United Nations for the Education, the Science and the Culture.

Specialists of the Office of the Historian of the City of Camagüey headed the elaboration of the project that includes conservative actions of properties, population, services, tourism and norms legal protectors of the built patrimony.

The meeting will be the preamble of the IV Symposium "Challenges in the handling and administration of cities", signal for February first and second, in the Week of the Culture for the anniversary 496 of the Villa of Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe, today Camagüey.

Kirenia Pérez, architect of the Historian's Office, added in his dialogue with the AIN that delegations of the four countries will also attend the second of the forums whose calendar consists of topics as pedestrian and vehicular movement, administration of urban plans, and housings in historical centers and civic participation.

The Humanity's area Cultural Patrimony embraces around 15 percent of the local urban historical center, National Monument.

Sacred María del Puerto del Príncipe was born beside the northern bay of Nuevitas, according to the tradition February 1514, had its intermediate scale in Caonao, and in 1528 was transferred to its definitive location.

Camagüey prioritizes attention to groups of risk for TO (H1N1)

By: Adolfo Silva Silva

More than two thousand 500 people of the biggest groups of risk for the virus TO (H1N1) have been entered in units of health of the county of Camagüey, because of suspicions of suffering the illness.

None died for the pandemic in those segments, concerning to the pregnant , puerpers and smaller than five years of age.

The doctor Gustavo Ferrer, boss of the Infantile Maternal Attention Program (PAMI) in the territory, underlined that the statistic covers from the first week of October up to the four of the present month.

In October the plan of measures was reinforced to counteract the affection, of growing presence in the orb, and as a consequence of a considered virus the main circulating stump in the world population and the most complicated in those until well-known hour of the flu.

The pandemic generated a serious challenge for the health and the survival in the 2009, stage in which Camagüey registered its lower appraises historical of infantile mortality, with four deceaseds smaller than one year for each thousand born alive.

The intern of pregnants and the puerpers (period from the childbirth until the return to the previous normal status to the gravity) are carried out in the Provincial Hospital of Maternity, and of the children in the pediatric Eduardo Agramonte Piña and in centers in Nuevitas, Florida, Guáimaro and Santa Cruz del Sur.

A system of remissions assures the total covering in a device of attention that also includes the revenues of infants in their homes in its diverse modalities - for not needing hospital reclusion -, and with visits doctors daily.

viernes, 8 de enero de 2010

Fidel Castro enters to Havana

By: Noel Manzares Blanco\Televisión Camagüey

When being fulfilled 51 years of the victorious entrance of Fidel Castro with the Caravan of the Freedom to Havana, I desire to mean two aspects of his marked speech of January 8 ,1959 in the Camp of Columbia - today City Freedom.

Among other elements, in that opportunity the Maximum Leader of the Revolution made a separated with the following matter:
"The first thing that we have to wonder those that we have made this Revolution is with what intentions we made it; if in some of us hid an ambition, a control desire, an ignoble purpose …]"

Also, Fidel meditated there with those gathered on if the Revolution had been made thinking that, the tyranny was hardly overthrown, will enjoy the occupational hazards of the power; if each one of them will live as a king, with an estate; if what were thinking was to remove some minister to put to others.

"That question is to be made - the Guide of the Revolution manifested -, because of our exam of conscience can depend a lot the future destination of Cuba, of us and of the town."

At the 51 year-old distance, the life demonstrates how much of certainty had the question formulated by the Commandant in Boss when culminating the journey of the Caravan of the Freedom January 8, because indeed alone evidencing true indifference, true sacrifice spirit, the purpose of giving everything in exchange for anything, could guarantee himself the exercise of the power for the town far from the dictation of "Don Money" - characteristic of the six decades in that Cuba was to the help of the Eagle Imperial, starting from 1898.

The other element that I want to be underlined links to the legacy of marti environment to the revolutionary unit. It is worth to remember that José Martí considered about the proclaimed Cuban Revolutionary Party April 10,1892: "One was born, of all parts at the same time. And would wander, of out or of inside who believes extinguishable or fragile. What a group ambitions, falls. It lasts, what a town wants. The Cuban Revolutionary Party, is the Cuban town."

Also, it is worth to remember that in the article published by the magazine Bohemia, April of 1956, 1ro the emergent Leader of the Cuban Revolution wrote: "THE MOVEMENT 26 DE JULY is the hot invitation to narrow lines, extended with the open arms, to all the revolutionaries from Cuba without mean differentiate partidaristas and any that has been the previous differences."

Then, it is understood that it lacks chance that Fidel Castro, in the referred speech in Columbia, have reflected their conviction according to the one which from the first moment of the last geste for the liberation of the bigger than the Antilles, should remain "a single revolutionary organization". there is what said textually here:
"I think that we all should be from the first moment in a single revolutionary organization: ours or the one of other, the 26, the 27 or the 50, in which was, because, if after all we were the same ones those that we fought in the Sierra Maestra that those that fought in the Escambray, or in Pinar del Río, and young men, and men with the same ideals, why did have to have half dozen of revolutionary organizations? ".

Without place to doubts, this passage illustrates about the reason in the First Socialist Country of Our America a single Directing Party of the Revolution, the Communist Party of Cuba exists.

To this height, I can assure that the partner's entrance of Fidel with the Caravan of the Freedom to Havana makes more than half century, compass became for the improvement of the Cuban Revolution in each historical-concrete moment.

The conga sounded softer in the Cándido González

By:Oreidis Pimentel Pérez

With the memory of a disastrous series premiere in the stadium Guillermón Moncada, the youth team from Camagüey gave hard fight like home club against Santiago de Cuba, but the inefficient relief pitching wasted the one gone back and the winter cold left a sour one 9-10.

After being literally flat for the teams of the oriental area, the people of Camagüey developed a discreet performance in the occident and in the beginning of 2010 the improvement is noticed in the combative character before a rival without doubts superior as Santiago deCuba.

Yesterday for the players of Santiago everything calmly went 4-1, after to take from of the box to Jaime Vidal and to connect square Rudens Sánchez before the beginner Jorge Luis Pargas.

Anything made denounce a swollen marker,like happened, with Alain Delá in the mound, but Camagüey tied in the low part of the sixth before an Enrique Pérez that didn't take out outs.

After another entrance in charge of Pargas for Camagüey and Osmani Tamayo for Santiago de Cuba, the mentor Luis Ulacia was allured with the possibility of a victory and brought Vicyohandri Odelín, its main figure, but that wrapped in its worst campaign of for life threw for the overboard all possibility.

Odelín shone terrible, to the end of allowing 6 hits and 6 careers, of them 5 clean, but more inconceivable was to allow to open the ninth after remaining in a volcano in the eighth, entrance where allowed two annotations.

A lot of difficulty to take out to Pargas and very little improvement of Odelín that passed to reliever of opener but that continues like one of the batted pitchers in the National Series and before the one that great quantity of jonrones is connected.

The other unexpected part, for the not very public one that waited under the winter cold the out 27, was that in fact with two outs in the slate Camagüey rebelled against Félix Rivera and it discounted 5 careers through a triple with bases full with Dary Bartolomé and jonrón of Alexander Ayala.

It didn't reach the spirit to change the 10-9 and another beginner, Ángel Luis Márquez lowered the curtains.

At the end was also the satisfaction of a team that fought in the last third of each game, sign of the poverty of the pitching of relief of Santiago de Cuba, and that in three challenges a victory was taken at least.

Today the scenary welcomes other ninth oriental of weapons to take, the surprising Guantánamo that passed broom Camagüey in its first act has more than enough.

Celia: Autenticism and courage

By: Yamila Cruz Romero\Televisión Camagüey

To 30 years of her death, she is remembered by the cubans this January 11 as if she was alive, and it is that her name gave to the cuban revolution the prestige and the honor that characterizes it.

With her incomparable revolutionary condition, she stood out in the fights, not only as soldier, she worked the manual art, she was lover of the nature, simple, intelligent, humble, great Fidel`s friend.

Her example has been captured for the Cuban woman, she is recognized by her moral conditions and her heroism, delicate, too much that was denominated the most autochthonous flower of the Cuban Revolution.

jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

Sugar “energized” with less fuel oil

By: Rolando Sarmiento Ricart

The Sugar Managerial Group (GEA) in Camagüey just by four power stations in short harvest, will contribute to the National Energy System (SEN) 8 517 Megawatt and will save in its generation electric total 37 262 tons of fuel oil.

Edwin Luis Delgado, technical director of the GEA, said that to produce the 43 663 MW/h planned in the sugar geniuses, the stable industrial and milled efficiency is decisive for the electricity autosupply in a range of 116%, more the delivery to the SEN, starting from the consumption of biomass (trash).

In the purpose of the GEA, of becoming this year the capital of the electric generation of the sector in the country, will be decisive, also, the definitive stabilization of the I upset condensant of 5 MW of the central Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.

This turbogenerator of the year 50, was recovered of the one disabled electric plant Manuel Julién, of the city of Camagüey, the one which, next to the two of German origin installed in the referred factory of sugar, could give around 8 MW/h, without consuming fuel oil.

Celia, the most autochthonous flower of the Cuban Revolution

By: Yuldys Márquez Díaz \ Television Camagüey

This January eleven are turned 30 years of Celia Sánchez Manduley`s death

Among the Cubans that have name of Revolution we find Celia, inseparable friend of Fidel, combatant indefatigable, dynamics, daring, ocurrent, was this woman. Many of us remember Celia Sánchez Manduley as the rash heroine and she was much more than that.

This woman with mixture of passion and uneasiness, intrepid and sensitive at the same time was an autochthonous Cuban. She always behaved with her grace and accent peasants, of town people. With that criolness that characterizes us.

Celia also made a great sense of the aesthetics, people count that she stood out in the manual arts and that she designed school uniforms, lightweight jackets for women as well as she participated in the decoration and conception of places so important as the General Command of the Silver, in the Sierra Maestrar.

This simple woman of unforgettable smile was also very attached to the nature. It is known that she fascinated the orchids, the ferns and the natural thing. She was also very retailer.

Her fondness and her passionate way to want to the other ones were others of her qualities. Not for pleasure all we know her as The most autochthonous flower of the Revolution.

A flower that germinated in the mountain and she became her eternal and sweet smile.

Begin on Saturday in Camagüey municipal assemblies of the Communist Youth

By:Amaury M. Valdivia Fernández

With its municipal assembly, this Saturday January 9, the communist youths of Santa Cruz del Sur will begin in this county the asambleary process in that level, previous step to the Ninth Congress of the Union of Communist Youths (UJC) that will take place in the city of Havana in next April.

The discussions with a view to the Cuban youth's more important event began from October of 2009, 28 when in Open Assemblies carried out in the whole country, the youths—militants or no—debated the most burning topics in the national day-to-dayness.

With posteriority, the analyses passed to the breast of the Committees of Base, primary organizations of the UJC, of where emanated the immense majority of the restlessness that now will center the attention from the delegates to the assemblies foreseen in the thirteen municipalities and four districts of this central east county.

“We seek to carry out a superior asambleary process , pointing out the problems with name and last names' and taking the analyses to the search of concrete solutions”, pointed out to Adelante Maríade los Ángeles Rodríguez, boss of the Ideological Department of the Provincial Committee of the UJC in Camagüey. “Thematic as the ideological preparation of our militants and of the Cuban youth in general, besides the paper of the youths in the battle for the development of the country and its commitment with the historical continuity of the Revolution, will be in the center of the discussions.”

The municipal assemblies of the UJC will lapse during the months of January and February, while in March will take place the provincial event, previous step to the National Congress, the days 3 and 4 of April, and to the one that should attend 54 delegades of Camagüey, selected three of them in a direct way.

Managerial sector in Camagüey contributes to the protection of the Environment

A palpable answer of the managerial sector is appreciated in Camagüey with the practice of concrete actions directed to diminish the emission of polluting substances of the environment.

In such a sense highlights the Hospital of the municipality of Nuevitas, the Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and shops for the repair of refrigerators, where the air conditioning cameras are replaced by others that don't emit harmful gases for the layer of ozone.

Also entities like the Company Brewery Tínima shows the condition of Free of Bromide of Methyl, toxic compound for the environment, and several hotels - next to the Comercializer Company of Fuels - are payees of the National Environmental Recognition.

There are also carried out actions to protect to the environment in the Factory of Cement “26 of Julio” and in the Base of ammonia, both in territory of Nuevitas and considered important focuses of contamination.

The actions that execute several companies of Camagüey to control the negative impact of their fundamental activity in the environment, are linked, in many cases, to the process of Managerial Improvement that includes that topic like an important indicator. (Yamylé Fernández Rodríguez)

Options that enrich the life of women of Camagüey

The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) in the county intensifies a group of actions in neighborhoods and communities, with the purpose of improving the quality of life of the femaleness and the family, like one of the main challenges of the organization in to the recently initiate year.

With the purpose of preparing the women for the labor life, the FMC maintains open registrations for training courses in some ten modalities, among those that figure, hairdresser, corporal massage, relate public, calculation, among others.

The superation actions are directed to the detached youths of the study fundamentally and of the work, by means of an attention prioritized by the educational sector and the organ of territorial work.

That strategy also includes the teaching of educational chats guided to the preservation of the values, the history and the local culture, which take place in a good part of the blocks and delegations, structures in those that it is organized the feminine movement in Camagüey. (Alex López Almaguer)

2009, year record for Camagüey

By:Yamila Cruz Romero / Television Camagüey

The county of Camagüey reported the lowest rate in infantile mortality of its history, with a figure of 3,97 for each thousand born alive in the year 2009, according to obtained fact, locates it as the lowest in all the times.

The balance is test of the effort and the achievements in the stability and efficiency of the Infantile Maternal Program of Attention in the territory, which contemplates a wide range of actions for the pursuit and care of the gestants and the newly born ones on the part of the doctors, nurses and the rest of the workers of the health in Camagüey.

The municipalities of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Sierra de Cubitas and Jimaguayú maintained in zero their rates of mortality in smaller than one year, results that constitute a commitment and an important challenge to maintain in coming years.

miércoles, 6 de enero de 2010

Camagüey began sugar harvest

By:Lucilo Tejera Díaz

The sugar harvest began in this county with two of the four power stations that will operate in the campaign that one waits lasts until beginnings of April. The geniuses that undertook the one milled of the cane were Argentina and Siboney.

Camagüey was for under in cane seed

In the course of January the factories Battle of The Guásimas and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes will be added that maybe advance the one started up one week before the foreseen date, as declared Vladimir Pérez, president of the Sugar Managerial Group (GEA) Camagüey.

The little matter readiness prevails in the fields this year has been accentuated, partly for the affectations of the hurricanes of 2008. Camagüey has eight industries, but in the last years intervene in the harvests five or six.

The situation is so difficult that in the current mill the geniuses Siboney and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, located in the central fringe of the county, will process the 39 and 61 percent of the cane, respectively, coming from plantations in the north area, in accordance with the control room and analysis of the GEA.

Starting from that reality, Camagüey plan to elaborate in this occasion 86 percent of the raw that achieved in the previous campaign.

With the prices of the sugar in rise in the world market - to 27,62 cents of dollar it is traded on the stock exchange now -, Cuba will carry out the harvest with 44 industries.

Favorable environmental administration of Camagüey in 2009

The sustained growth of the covering boscos and the reduction of the polluting load in Camagüey, stand out among the results of the environmental administration in the territory during the year that newly concluded.

Mayra González Díaz, directress of the Unit of Environment in the Provincial Delegation of the CITMA, highlighted that those indicators were reached in spite of events like the fire of the ecosystem San Felipe - The Joberos, happened in the first semester of the 2009.

At the moment that area recovers of the negative environmental impact and one works in a strategy to strengthen the prevention and handling of the forest fires.

On the other hand, the reduction of the polluting load obeys a better treatment of the waste generated by the swinish mass and to the chore in several entities to diminish the emission of exhausting substances of the layer of ozone and of other toxics.

Nevertheless the descent of the contamination and the increment of the boscos covering in Camagüey to the closing of last year, in the territory the actions of environmental education continue. (Yamylé Fernández Rodríguez)

January 1528: rebirth of the Camagüey

Park Agramonte, old bigger Square and fundational site of the definitive establishment of the current Camagüey.

By:José M. Fontela

January 6, 1528 brought us free to the village of Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe. That day would be the term of a trip that had for starting point to a non specified place with accuracy, and of which takes like reference to Tip of Guincho, located in the coast in the Bay of Nuevitas.

During every year the oral story has sustained that the foundation date corresponds at February 2, 1514 and, as good lovers of the tradition and turned to the polemic among historians—some of which locate the fact between ends of June and principles of July 1515—, the villagers have celebrated the previous date as the birth of its city.

Less polemic has been the reference on January 6, when, “being planted a big cross in the vicinity of the two rivers that skirt the place, the square was delineated and were built the consistorial house, the parish, the government's holding and the house of Basque Porcayo of Figueroa, very bound character to the history of the central region of the country”, like aims the doctor Lourdes Gómez in the book “Camagüey: city and architecture (1514-1950).”

Less polemic and—this modest editor would say—a so much minimized the one referred review as for the cult that deserves, being that the date in that the process of definitive crystallization of the current Camagüey begins, having as matters cousins the efforts, expectations and aspirations incubated by those conquerors of a new world in little more than a dozen of previous years.

The transfer of the village inland, fair to the center of one of the widest regions in the country and, therefore, more far from the benefits of the sea, was qualified as a “accomplished error”, by Antonio Bachiller and Morales.

The certain thing is that already in 1516 the previous penetration of some 22 leagues had taken place, more toward the west than toward the south, and,as result, still with certain proximity to the coast. Those 12 years of life and (auto)recognition in that second establishment, maybe was not enough to opt for the correction or the establishment of the “error”, according to the Cuban sage of the XIX century estimate?

The search in a characteristic way of subsistence and existence or, said otherwise, of a material and spiritual identity, without doubts, motivated to our old village to go into even more, when objective causes determined the departure of the residents of Caonao.

What some also call “absurdity”, was generating intense of senses and, mainly, of one of the most essential of the human life: that of ownership.

Fertile lands and cattle raising, with it rising cultural reflection of austerity and hefty men; traffic area among western villages and of the east, and the consequent bloom of a hospitality always attentive for the pilgrim; mediterranean district, willing to constantly look at himself and to look for references in itself; aware of it difference for own determination and therefore, proud of yes and of its destination.

Everything January 6 are still time for the balance of what we have been and fact, and for the analysis of what we seek to be and to make for the year that newly begins. Between the riversides of the Tínima and the Hatibonico, reborned a process that, in that same way, has conjugated year after year a past, present and future of cultural idiosyncrasy ofCamagüey.Better gift could not bring us that day of 1528.

lunes, 4 de enero de 2010

Camagüey elaborated three thousand tons of cheese in 2009

By:Lucilo Tejera Díaz

The milky industry in the county of Camagüey, one of the more important manufacturers items of the region, elaborated in 2009 around three thousand tons of cheese.

That level of production meant saving for the Cuban economy for the concept of avoiding to care the food for the domestic necessities, mainly the supply to the tourism and the gastronomy.

The company Milky Products Camagüey, top in the country in this line, highlights in the obtaining of varieties like Patagrás, Goula, Blanco, hard and semi hard , of grateful preference, achieved mostly in the industries cheesemakers Sibanicú and The Cow.

As informed the entity, in the 2009 were carried out some improvements in the prosecution areas to elevate the quality of the product and its storage.

In the last years Cuba increased sustaintly this item of four thousand 400 tons in 1998 at 15 thousand 700 in 2008, in accordance with data of the National Office of Statistical.

The weight of the industry of the cheese in Camagüey is based on the cow milk, of which the region is the main producer of Cuba, with more than 90 million liters marketed in the 2009 by the dairies with those plants.

Population of Camagüey ages but with quality of life

The county of Camagüey is the sixth more aged territory of Cuba, where the hope of life when being born is near to the 80 years for the women and of 76 for the men.

To tenor with that panorama the Government in the county follows a program dedicated to improvements and creation of facilities for people of the third age closely, many of them activate laborly, and other contributers of ideas and experiences in different professionals disciplines.

The University of the biggest Adult stands out in that zeal, a highly valuable resource in the region of Camagüey, maxime when it is considered that one native of each four will surpass the 60 years in the 2025.

The old men represent more than 16 percent of the population from Camagüey and receive a community surveillance in all their forms, favored with 21 Houses of Grandparents, and 12 homes of old men, with home service by day. (Pedro Paneque Ruiz)

Cattle men of Camagüey for superiors deliveries in the 2010

To produce 118 million liters of milk and of them sold to the State about 107, it is purpose of the cowboys of Camagüey in the year that newly begins, what says from the tribute to the programs of the Revolution.

That tribute, responds to the birdcall of the Direction of the country to substitute imports, and allows to maintain programs of delivery of the food, at the same time that guide the people of Camagüey for paths to enlarge the distribution.

Such purposes sustain another time the biggest contribution in the cooperative and rural sector that is added what is extracted of the nascent suburban agriculture, without stopping to keep in mind the growing acting of the state entities.

During last year the cattlemen of Camagüey produced 109 million liters of milk, 94 of them sold to the State that demanded a consequent work in the industry and the transport of the Milky Company. (Pedro Paneque Ruiz)

Fidel Castro in Camagüey

By: Noel Manzanares Blanco / Televisión Camagüey

When being turned 51 years of Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz`s first presence in Camagüey once conquered the political power, to big strides will celebrate that lived by this town the momentous January 4, 1959,and even more.

Above all, I think that the masses of Camagüey - settled down in the prestige acquired by the Rebellious Army -glimpsed what approached after the victory of the Revolution, reason for which showed its joy. Particularly, it showed to the fourth day of the victory against the dictatorship pro yank , during the traffic for the county of the Caravan of the Freedom that the national territory traveled.

Remembering the historical event, the partner Fidel expressed:

"[...] there is a question of spontaneous sympathy on the part of the town of Camagüey, because that was demonstrated to our arrival when the victory of the Revolution, was demonstrated inthe act that was given here. Camagüey is not of the counties that have more inhabitants [...], however, the public act that was given in Camagüey was a gigantic act [...] ".

That day, after finishing details with the Provincial Address of the Revolutionary Movement of July 26 about the prevailing situation, the Commandant in Boss went personally and live to women and men of Camagüey , manifesting among other things:

"Seven years of tyranny have taught a lot to our town, seven years of tyranny have become trained mainly that our freedoms are never able to more to lose them again [...]. The freedom is not everything. The freedom is the first part, the freedom to begin to be entitled the to fight [...]

And followed act, specified: "Homeland not only means a place where one can speak and to walk without be killed. Homeland is the place where one can work and to win the sustenance honestly [...]. Homeland is the place where doesn't exploit the citizens, because if exploits the citizen, if are removed what belongs , if are stolen what has, it is not Homeland [...] ".

This way, the maximum leader of the Revolution left inheritors and heirs of Agramonte * the indication of assuming the ulterior changes of the society like the beginning of the coronation of the begun fight October 10,1868, whose evidence had to traffic to transform into synonym the concepts of freedom, of Homeland and of non exploitation.

In correspondence, in a natural way and every bigger time has been our accompaniment to Fidel, from the support to the measures and laws that were implanted starting from 1959 until the learning of its teachings contained in its journalistic offensive. And will be this way always, if day by day we build in Camagüey - and in all Cuba - a better work.

Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz, born in this territory on December 23, 1841, is one of the main figures of the Revolution that begin in 1868 who was immolated in Jimaguayú, Camagüey, May 11, 1873. Its print in people of Camagüey is reflected in the fact of being that is the only inhabitants of Cuba that it is identified with the gentile of a great countryman, to know women and men of Camagüey.