lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Un sueño del Moncada, la salud pública en Cuba

Por: Noel Manzanares Blanco / Televisión Camagüey

Julio 25 de 2011

En La historia me absolverá —nombre con el cual trascendió el alegato de autodefensa de Fidel Castro en el juicio por los sucesos del 26 de julio de 1953, también denominado Programa del Moncada—, aparece resumida en seis aspectos la tragedia que vivía el país por aquel entonces, incluido el problema de la salud del pueblo. ¿Por qué actualmente tal flagelo es “agua pasada”? A ello responderé, grosso modo.

Para dar una idea del grado de sufrimiento de la familia cubana en el tema de la salud pública antes del 1ro. de enero de 1959, acoto que el noventa por ciento de infantes del campo estaban devorado por parásitos que se les filtran desde la tierra por las uñas de los pies descalzos; que miles y miles de niñas y niños morían todos los años por falta de recursos, mientras que la mortalidad infantil por cada mil nacimientos vivos era del 60 por ciento —según datos conservadores—; al tiempo que la mayoría de jóvenes y adultos en general carecían de las condiciones más elementales para disfrutar de una sanidad decente.

Sin embargo, a esta altura, el giro prácticamente es de 90 grado.

Por ejemplo, si a finales de la década del noventa del siglo pasada la Tasa de Mortalidad Infantil en Cuba era de 7,9 por cada mil nacidos vivos, al cierre del 2010 ese indicador se redujo al 4,5 por igual número de nacimientos, mientras que en 21 municipios del país el registro por el mismo concepto fue de cero; al tiempo que ese índice devela una tendencia decreciente en los menores de 5 años de edad: si en 2002 fue de 8,1 fallecimientos por mil llegados al mundo, en diciembre último descendió a 5,7 los muertos —y aumenta el empeño por la reducción, tanto como humanamente sea posible.

Otras enhorabuenas exhiben datos como los que continúan: a los infantes se les aplican 10 tipos de vacunas que los protegen contra 13 enfermedades trasmisibles, y la nación ha logrado eliminar seis enfermedades prevenibles a través de las campañas de vacunación.

Tales resultados son el producto de una voluntad política de reflejada en diversos Programas como el Materno Infantil, contra las Enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y Enfermedades transmisibles, así como el orientado a la Atención al adulto mayor. Este último, prioriza el perfeccionamiento del trabajo en la atención primaria, fundamentalmente del médico y enfermera de la familia, utilizando los círculos de abuelos y otras alternativas no institucionales con la participación comunitaria.

Todo ello tiene lugar muy a pesar del más largo Bloqueo que registra la Historia escrita, cuya estadística revela el sufrimiento y más que provoca en los pacientes y sus familiares, al no poder contar con el medicamento idóneo y en muchas ocasiones en el momento necesario para salvar una vida.

¡Cuánta diferencia con los datos que ofrecen las Naciones Unidas al pulsar la salud pública a escala internacional!

Si a lo anterior le agregamos que en la actualidad el 69 % de alrededor de 57 mil colaboradores cubanos que prestan sus servicios en 98 países y 4 territorios de ultramar lo hacen en el sector de la salud, entonces no hay que emborronar más cuartillas para acreditar que la salud pública en Cuba es más que uno de los sueños de la gesta del Moncada.

Hablemos del 26 de julio

Por: Ernesto Pantaleón Medina / Televisión Camagüey

Corría 1953, y la tolerancia del pueblo cubano, puesta a prueba una y otra vez por la lista de pésimos gobernantes que rigieron los destinos del país tras el surgimiento de la neo colonia, tocaba fondo con la tiranía de Fulgencio Batista, un habilidoso manipulador de intereses, y un asesino que enlutó miles de hogares.

Llegado a la cúspide del poder tras el golpe de estado del 10 de marzo de 1952, el dictador llevó al paroxismo el accionar de los cuerpos represivos establecidos, y creó bandas paramilitares como los tristemente célebres ¨Tigres de Masferrer¨.

La menor sospecha de actividades conspirativas, y aún las protestas estudiantiles eran apagadas con la porra, los chorros de agua e incluso con disparos de la policía. Era algo común que los detenidos por las ¨perseguidoras¨ aparecieran horas después, torturados y asesinados (e incluso otros nunca aparecieron).

Así se presentaba la situación social, en el año en que se cumpliría el centenario del nacimiento del apóstol de la independencia cubana, José Martí, acontecimiento que un grupo de jóvenes decidió honrar, y que muchos cumplieron con la mayor de las ofrendas: la vida.

De procedencia acomodada, pero con la honda huella del sentir de los pobres en sus convicciones, Fidel Castro Ruz organizó un movimiento que agrupó a representantes de numerosos sectores, en un ejemplo de ideal unitario que contó en sus filas con albañiles, fotógrafos, obreros portuarios, médicos, estudiantes, entre otros.

Y llegó el mes de julio de 1953, en que se celebrarían los carnavales en Santiago de Cuba, la provincia más oriental y cuya geografía contaba con la principal cadena montañosa de la isla, la Sierra Maestra, que figuraba en los proyectos del joven dirigente revolucionario como teatro de operaciones, en el que podría desarrollar una prolongada lucha armada.

En la propia capital oriental estaba ubicada la segunda fortaleza militar de la tiranía, el cuartel Guillermòn Moncada, solo superada en número de soldados y en medios de combate por Columbia, en la ciudad de La Habana.

Con el mayor secreto y en un verdadero alarde de discreción conspirativa, se movilizaron hombres y armas (la mayoría rifles de pequeño calibre y escopetas de caza) para dar el golpe por sorpresa en la madrugada del 26 de julio, fecha en que se iniciaban los festejos populares.

Paralelamente al asalto al cuartel Moncada, otro grupo de combatientes se dirigió hacia Bayamo (hoy provincia de Granma) para de manera coordinada, atacar la fortaleza de dicha localidad, que llevaba el nombre de Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.

El objetivo de esta segunda acción era impedir que desde La Habana, fueran enviados refuerzos hacia la región oriental.

A pesar de la impecable preparación, el elemento casualidad frustró el factor sorpresa, única ventaja desde el punto de vista militar, con la que contaban los jóvenes asaltantes.

Lo que fue concebido como acción relámpago devino fuertes combates de los revolucionarios, contra fuerzas y medios muy superiores, con el lógico desenlace.

Comienza la retirada, y muchos de los jóvenes revolucionarios son hechos prisioneros y posteriormente asesinados, luego de torturas sin límite.

Ningún respeto de los esbirros hacia un enemigo que combatió con hombría y valor, a pecho descubierto, en defensa de un ideal y con el pensamiento y la acción puestos en la conquista de un futuro mejor para sus hermanos.

Desde el más estricto punto de vista táctico militar, no se consideraría una victoria aquella doble acción de los combatientes de Fidel, pero la trascendencia del suceso fue tal que conmocionó hasta los cimientos la realidad cubana, y dio paso a una movilización nacional que logró, tiempo después, la liberación de los sobrevivientes, confinados en el penal de Isla de Pinos, el tristemente conocido Presidio Modelo.

Se sembró en el Moncada la simiente que alumbró el Movimiento 26 de julio, columna vertebral de la insurrección que tuvo su fuerza mayor en el Ejército Rebelde, que derrocó la tiranía de Fulgencio Batista, quien como un cobarde escapó hacia los Estados Unidos en la madrugada del primero de enero de 1959.

Quizás se haya empleado mucho por oradores, periodistas, cineastas y poetas una expresión que, sin embargo, 58 años después de la hombrada de Fidel y sus compañeros, conserva su fuerza, y pinta como ninguna el significado de aquellas acciones, porque el 26 de julio ¨se tomó el cielo por asalto¨.

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

FAO Recognizes Cuba’s Work to Protect Forests

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 4 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognized Cuba’s efforts in the protection of forest areas and in favor of reforestation programs.To mark the beginning of the International Year of Forests, FAO released the State of the World’s Forests (SOFO) report, which comes out every two years and assesses the status of global forest resources. SOFO 2011 includes information on trends in forest management, production of forest products, and raw forest cover data.

Cuba annually increases its forest cover and the plan is to have 3.2 million hectares of forests areas by the year 2015, which is 29,3% of the national territory.

Since the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, reforestation efforts have been underway to counteract the deforestation suffered during the colonial period and as a result of the development of the sugar industry, among other factors.

As part of these efforts, Cuba has a center for forest research with seven experimental stations across the island and 1,200 forest engineers. (acn)

Japanese Television Network Broadcasts Programs on Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 4 - The Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS) of Japan premiered a series of four programs on Cuba, which offered viewers of the Asian nation an overview on the Caribbean island. A team of the MBS traveled to Cuba in December to shoot the documentary, which highlights tourist attractions and tackles important aspects of the history of the Revolution, the Web site reports.

The documentary shows, for example, achievements of the pharmaceutical industry and of public health and education on the island, in spite of the blockade imposed on Cuba by Washington for almost half a century now.

Likewise, it highlights the significance the 6th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party –to be held in April- will have.

MBS gets to two million viewers in the region of Kansai, including five important prefectures.(acn)

Only FIDE Woman Judge in Central Am Acknowledged in Cuba

HOLGUIN, Cuba, Feb 4 - The only FIDE woman judge of Central America and the Caribbean, Cuban Barbara Lopez-Chavez, was acknowledged on Thursday in the eastern province of Holguin by local authorities for her work.

Lopez-Chavez is one of the three judges participating in the national chess women’s championship underway in Cuba.

Lopez-Chavez was a founder of the Latin American Higher Chess Institute in 1992, where she worked as a professor to later become a judge.

In the same year, she received the certificate of national Judge and then in 2006 she received the FIDE title.

Lopez-Chavez is expecting to participate for the first time this year in the Capablanca in Memoriam 2011 Tournament, which will bring more than 100 chess players to Cuba.

After the event, she is hoping to receive the FIDE International Judge title. (AIN)

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

Latin Americans Demand End of US Blockade against Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 1 - Claudio Patat, national coordinator of the Argentinean contingent that is part of the 18th South American Solidarity-with-Cuba Brigade, condemned the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the island. In his statements to the Prensa Latina news agency, he also denounced the unfair imprisonment in US jails of Fernando Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Gerardo Hernandez and Rene Gonzalez, condemned for informing on plans of violent actions against Cuba, conceived in Florida.

The member of the Argentinean Movement of Solidarity with the Caribbean nation asserted that they’re working with a lot of rigor in his country, especially in Buenos Aires.

Likewise, Venezuelans from various walks of life will send over the next few days dozens of postcards to President Barack Obama with requests for the release of the five Cuban antiterrorist heroes, according to information provided by activist Rosalinda Chanaga, coordinator of the Venezuela-Cuba Movement of Mutual Solidarity.

She told the Prensa Latina news agency that this group plans new actions to spread the truth abut the case of Gerardo, Rene, Antonio, Ramon and Fernando, and on the injustice being committed against them -unjustly incarcerated since 1998.

Some 300 committees are working in 111 nations to support the cause of these Cuban antiterrorists.

On this issue, the El Nacional newspaper, from the Dominican Republic, published that about 30 organizations of that country asked the United States to lift the unjust and inhuman blockade maintained by Washington against the island for almost half a century now.

The organizations, making up the Committee in Solidarity with Cuba, underlined that the States have the right to self-determination and that nobody –no matter how strong it feels- has the power to condemn them to any kind of blockade, reads a note published by the Cuba
Foreign Ministry’s Web site.

Also, Cubans living in Nicaragua held their 2nd National Meeting, in which they condemned the siege laid to the island by the US and demanded the immediate release of The Five. (acn)

Works by Top Cuban Painters Presented in Tokyo

HAVANA, Cuba - A collective exhibition of paintings from Latin America and the Caribbean in Tokyo included works by notable Cuban painters Servando Cabrera, Manuel Mendive, Rene Portocarrero and Nelson Dominguez. The exhibition’s curator was renowned Japanese professor Takeshi Kanagawa and its 70 pieces excelled for their excellent portrayal of the vast and rich culture of the region and its various artistic trends, the Web site reported.

Over 5,000 visitors enjoyed the exhibition, organized by the diplomatic missions of Latin America and the Caribbean accredited to Japan and located at the popular mirador on the 42nd floor of the Metropolitan Government building.

Also in that capital, Cuban ambassador to Japan, Jose Fernandez de Cossio, held a fraternal meeting with the vice-president of the Japanese Communist Party, Yasuo Ogata, and deputy Akira Kasai, whom he explained the main elements of the Draft Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution.

The Japanese communist leaders took an interest in knowing the scope of the recent measures adopted by the US government towards Cuba, with regard to which the diplomatic clarified that they don’t modify the illegal and punitive nature of the criminal blockade.

He set out how that this siege, imposed on the island for almost half a century now, is designed to cause the greatest difficulties and shortages possible to the people in their daily life, trying, in this way, to undermine the social base of the Revolution and destroy it. (acn)

Havana University Holds Workshop on Haiti

HAVANA, Cuba - The Group on Caribbean Studies of the University of Havana held the workshop “Haiti, a year after”.

In view of the current situation in Haiti, a year after the earthquake of January 12, 2010, experts and cooperants met to offer their support and discuss the reality of this Caribbean nation.

The president of the Group, PhD. Digna Castañeda, talked about the importance of getting acquainted with the history of that country so as to understand its population.

Castañeda added that Haitians are still facing the aftermath of such a natural disaster and the cholera epidemics.

The politologist and professor from the International Relations Higher Institute (ISRI), PhD. Luis Suarez Salazar, offered an overview on Haiti’s geographic, political, economic and social panorama, and commented on the future of its population.

Suarez noted that, a year after the earthquake, 75 percent of the residents in Puerto Principe are still homeless, and the cholera epidemics is expected to affect some 400 000 people.

He added that almost half a million children still wander around the streets without being able to go back to school because more than 80 percent of the education sector is private and very expensive.

The rector of the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), Dr Juan Carrizo Estevez, highlighted the humane quality of the Haitian people.

He pointed out that more than 600 Haitian students graduated from ELAM, while there are other 400 still studying there.

The workshop was also attended by historian and member of UNEAC, PhD.

Gloria Leon Rojas, as well as by members of the Henry Reeve International Brigade, who shared experiences from their missions in Haiti. (acn)

Cuban Cooperants in Guatemala Demand the Release of the Cuban Five

HAVANA, Cuba- Members of the Cuban Medical Brigade in Guatemala demanded the immediate release of five Cuban antiterrorists, unjustly imprisoned in the US since 1998. On the occasion of their 9th National Scientific Festival, the cooperants working in 18 out of the 22 Guatemalan departments passed a resolution condemning the biased treatment these men received during their trials.

The document affirms that Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez ––internationally known as the Cuban Five –– were just trying to prevent terrorist actions against Cuba by right-wing groups settled in Miami.

The resolution makes reference to the double standard policy of Washington, which condemns the Cuban Five, whereas it protects renowned terrorists who walk free through the US.

The Cuban cooperants promised to spread the truth about the Cuban Five wherever they take their humanitarian work.

The document will be sent to US president Barack Obama to demand him to use its constitutional prerogatives in favor of Gerardo, Ramon, Fernando, Antonio, and Rene.

The Cuban cooperants also demanded the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela, or a fair trial in US for his terrorist crimes and not for migration fraud, as he is being charged at present in El Paso, Texas.(acn)

Ecuadorian President Receives Cuban Foreign Minister

HAVANA , Cuba - The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, received Cuban foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, on Monday, at the Palacio de Carolendet, in Quito.

The Cuban Minister, on official visit, and the Ecuadorian president, attended the ceremony of the changing of the presidential guard in the historical center of Quito, reports a press release by Prensa Latina agency news.

The Ecuadorian Foreign Minister, Ricardo Patiño, told Prensa Latina that the relations with Cuba are a priority given that Cuba is one of the strategic nations for their diplomacy.

Patiño praised the international solidarity of Cuba with Ecuador, the homeland of Eloy Alfaro. He mentioned that there are about 2 000 young Ecuadorians studying Medicine in Cuba, without asking anything in return.

Both ministers chair the 2nd Meeting of the Mechanism of Political Consultation between the two countries to strengthen the historical relations of friendship and solidarity and to boost cooperation programs in different sectors.

At the Palacio de Najas, Rodríguez talked, by videoconference, with the Cuban doctors of the Operacion Milagro in the Ophthalmologic Center of Latacunga, who have done more than 100 000 free sight surgeries.

The Cuban diplomat will meet on Tuesday with Ecuadorian Vice President Lenin Moreno to discuss the topic of Cuban cooperation in the study of people with disability and their follow-up in prevention and attention stages.

Rodriguez will also meet with Augusto Barrera, metropolitan major, in the context of the declaration of Quito as the Latin American capital of Culture in 2011.

The Cuban Foreign Minister arrived in Quito on Sunday, and was received by deputy foreign minister Kintto Lucas and Jorge Rodriguez, the Cuban ambassador to Ecuador.(acn)

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Homenaje a Martí en Camagüey

Rinden artistas camagüeyanos homenaje a José Martí

La exposición colectiva La exposición colectiva "Al amparo de las manos" quedó inaugurada en la Galería del Consejo Provincial de las Artes Plásticas en la ciudad de Camagüey. La muestra rinde homenaje al Héroe nacional José Martí en al aniversario 158 de su natalicio.

Por: Aymee Amargós / Televisión Camagüey

Las manos son la extensión del pensamiento, indican el avance del tiempo y son herramientas fundamentales del propio desarrollo del ser humano.

Son las manos el eje central de la exposición colectiva que se inauguró en la galería del consejo de las artes plásticas en la ciudad de Camagüey.

La muestra exhibe diversidad. Veinte artistas focalizan su atención sobre esa zona del cuerpo. Pinturas, fotografías e instalaciones, constituyen homenaje a José Martí en el aniversario 158 de su natalicio.

Entre los artistas que integran la muestra ”Al amparo de las manos” están Joel Jover, Eduardo Rosales, Nazario Salazar y Oscar Rodríguez Lasseria.

También importantes momentos son atrapados por el lente de las cámaras fotográficas. La mano curativa, la del amor, la protectora y hasta las del alma despliegan un abanico de lecturas dentro de las variadas estéticas.

Han acompañado el devenir de la historia del arte. El uso de la imagen de las manos pasa por lo misterioso hasta su exhibición figurativa simbólica.

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Cuba Increases Scholarships for Angolan People

HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 17 - The number of scholarships granted by Cuba to Angolans to study inthe island was increased to 195 this year, as reported by several media outlets from the African country on Monday. The scholarships are to study medicine or any other related subject,as well as arts, engineering or to become teachers.

A Prensa Latina reporte dated in Luanda says the representative for the Angolan embassy in Cuba in charge of scholarships, Caetano Francisco Domingos said there are 620 Angolans currently studying in Cuba, and that 108 of them are involved inpostgraduate courses.

Cuba and Angola have maintained close relationships of cooperation and friendship for year.

The bonds between the two countries were strengthened after Cuba helped Angola achieve its independence, finally reached in 1975.(acn)

Cuban Foreign Ministry Releases Statement on US Measures

HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 17 - The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX by its Spanish acronym) released a statement regarding the latest measures announced by the US government regarding Cuba.

Cuban News Agency reproduces MINREX statement:

On January 14, 2011, The United States government announced new measures regarding Cuba. Though we will have to wait for the regulations to be published to know their true meaning, according to preliminary information released by the White House Office of the Press Secretary the measures are:

-To authorize US citizens to travel to Cuba for academic, educational,cultural and religious purposes.

-To allow US citizens to send remittances to Cuban citizens in limited amounts.

-To authorize US international airports to apply to provide services to licensed charters to Cuba under certain conditions.

The adoption of these measures are the result of the efforts of ample ectors of the US society that have claimed for years to the lifting of the criminal US blockade against Cuba and the absurd prohibition of travelling to Cuba.

It is also an expression of the admission of the failure of the US policy against Cuba and that the US government is seeking new ways to achieve its
historical goal of dominating the Cuban people.

Though these measures are positive, they failed to entirely fulfil these just claims, they have a very limited reach and do not modify the US
policy towards Cuba.

The White House announcement limits itself, basically, to restore some of the dispositions that were in force in the 1990´s during the Clinton Administration and were eliminated by President George W. Bush after 2003.

These measures only benefit some categories of US citizens and do not restore the right of every US citizen to travel to Cuba, making them the only ones worldwide that can not visit Cuba freely.

They confirm that there is no will to change the US blockade and destabilization policies against Cuba. At announcing them, the US officials make clear that the blockade will remain untouched and that they are preparing new tools of subversion and interference in Cuba’s internal affairs. This confirms the denunciation made by MINREX last January 13.

Cuba has always favored the exchanges with the US people, their universities, and their academic, scientific and religious institutions.

All obstacles for the US citizens to visit Cuba have been and still are onthe US side.

If there was a true interest in expanding and easing the contacts between our two peoples, the United States should lift the blockade and the prohibition that makes of Cuba the only country that US citizens can notfreely travel to.(acn)

Wax Statues of Che and Cespedes to Be Exhibited at Bayamo’s Museum

BAYAMO, Cuba, Jan 17 - Statues of Cuban independence hero Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, known as the Forefather of the Homeland, and Argentinean-born Ernesto Che Guevara, will be part of the collection of the Wax Museum of Bayamo, the only one of its type in the country.

Museum specialist Ismarys Lopez told ACN that like the rest of the wax statues exhibited in the museum, the new statues will be modeled life-size in polychrome wax by Rafael Barrios and his sons Rafael and Leander Barrios.

Lopez said the museum will be promoted by several travel agencies to attract foreignvisitors to the city.

The museum shows wax statues of Cuban national hero Jose Marty; musicians Beny More, Sindo Garay, Bola de Nieve, Compay Segundo, Carlos Puebla and Polo Montañez; young Italian Fabio Di Celmo, who died in a terrorist attempt in Havana; and American writer Ernest Hemingway, among local figures. The collection also includes sculptures of birds, most of them originary from the Sierra Maestra mountain range.

Lopez said since the opening of the museum in July of 2004 until 2010, the institution has received more than 700,000 visitors and in 2008 a year record of visits was set with more than 152,000.

Meanwhile, Barrios Madrigal said he learned wax modeling from his sons. He said they used to make figures out of clay when they were little and when he saw how good they were, he took them to local artist Luis Enrique Basterrechea who taught them the craft, which according to specialists dates back to the 19th century. (AIN)

2011 Casa de las Americas Literary Award Opens Up in Cuba

HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 17 - The Award 2011 Casa de las Americas Literary will be set in motion with the formal establishment of the jury and the opening words of Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera, and the Peruvian anthropologist, Stefano Varese.

In its 52 edition, dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the Peruvian writer José María Arguedas (Deep Rivers, Yawar fiesta) 300 original works are competing in the genres of novels, short stories,testimonies, artistic and literary essay and Brazilian literature in the form of fiction , reports Prensa Latina news agency.

Prominent literature figures make up the jury that will decide on the works worthy of awards, including the US poet Margaret Randall, the Colombian Roberto Burgos Cantor, Martin Kohan from Argentina, Chilean Andrea Jeftanovich and Spanish Eduardo Becerra.

After the opening ceremony, at the House’s Che Guevara hall, under the Tree of Life, one of the emblems of that institution, they will sell the book “The plebeian nation” by Garcia Linera.

Published by the Casa de las Americas Publishing Fund, the book compiles some essays “to discuss and dialogue not only about the future of Bolivia but also about the Marxist thought.”

As stated in the cover, the volume “invites us to get rid of not a few prejudices about American society, cultivated by much of the critical tradition of our history, including Marxism.”

Although its official opening is today, there was a preamble yesterday in the auditorium of the San Geronimo University in Havana, at Old Havana where the ancient music group Ars Longa performed the Musical Renaissance in New Spain concert.(acn)

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

The Italy-Cuba Friendship Association Supports Economic Measures

HAVANA, Cuba - The Italy-Cuba Friendship Association (AAIC) supports the economic measures undertaken by Cuban authorities to consolidate social achievements in the Caribbean nation.

In a communique, the members of the AAIC underline the willingness of the Cuban government and people to continue the construction of a socialist society, which seeks to develop and perfect its economic model.

The Italian organization considers the large participation of Cubans in the debates prior to the 6th Congress of the Communist Party (PCC) to be positive, in which citizens exchange ideas around the Draft Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Cuban Revolution.

In addition, it criticizes the treatment the international mass media has given to theCuban social and economic measures, since they don’t reflect the real situation on the island, the Prensa Latina news agency reported from Rome.

In its document, the AAIC highlights the efforts of the Cuban State to maintain its social achievements in education, health and culture, without leaving any citizen unprotected, incontrast to the measures adopted by several European governments in the face of the economic crisis.(acn)

Cuba Saves More Than 27,000 Tons of Oil on Power Generation

HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 14 - Measures implemented in Cuba to stop excessive oil consumption allowed the country to save 27,130 tons of oil in 2010.

Director of the Rational Use of Energy Office Tatiana Amaran told ACN the systematic control of power consumption plans across the country, improvements on power lines and the introduction of state-of-the-art technology on several thermoelectric plants are some of the actions that contributed to last year’s results.

Amaran acknowledged the positive response of state-run institutions to the saving program, while noting that the residential sector still exceeded consumption plans.

The specialist said there are still actions to be taken on the residential sector that could help reduce energy consumption levels. She mentioned among them the efficient use of appliances and the expanding of the use of a power-saving earthen-made device for high-energy consuming electrical stoves.

Currently, the Government uses 50% of national oil in power generation.

According to figures by the National Electric Company, in 2010 the country used over 81,000 megawatts/hour less than the previous year.

Havana’s Electric Office’s Director Inaudys Mora extolled repair works on power lines carried out in different provinces.

As a result of the Energy Revolution program, several national enterprises related to the sector, such as those dedicated to the production of power lines and transformers, were revitalized and developed. (acn)

Pedagogy 2011 to Show Experiences of ALBA Member Nations

HAVANA, Cuba - Under the slogan "For the Unity of Educators", Education ministers of the countries that are members of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) will share their experiences during the congress Pedagogy 2011.

The event, to be held from January 24th through the 28th at Havana’s Convention Center, will allow for academicians and professors to exchange their experiences on the main achievements made in this sphere.

In addition to know more about research works solving educational problems, the forum will include a program of debates, exhibitions and visits to schools of different teaching levels, said Eva Escalona, president of the event’s scientific committee in an interview with the Prensa Latina news agency.

She specified that the Cuban ministers of Education (Ena Elsa Velazquez,) and Higher Education (Miguel Diaz-Canel), will give lectures, as well as the Venezuelan ministers of Education (Jennifer Gil) and University Education (Edgardo Antonio Ramirez).

Likewise, the participation of Bolivian Education Minister Roberto Aguilar has been scheduled, and the visit of ministers from African nations has been confirmed, stated Escalona, who is also the Cuban Education Ministry’s director for Science and Technology.

The meeting’s agenda will also include the results of Cuba’s international cooperation in this field, including the implementation of the "Yes I Can" literacy teaching method, by way of which some five million people in about twenty countries have learned how to read and

She added that organizers expect the event to welcome over 3,000 foreign participants, that there are some 2,800 papers confirmed, and that meeting’s objective is to maintain the high academic level reached in previous editions of the Congress.

The Venezuelan and Mexican delegations, in that order, are the largest, with over 1,000 members each, followed by those of Cuba and Brazil, with 600 and 500, respectively-,.pointed out Escalona, after clarifying that figures are not definitive.(acn)

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Latin America: Issues to Analyze

The insistence of the new popular Latin American governments in constructing what they are calling 21st Century Socialism raises issues to be analyzed.

For many, it deals with a different world within the progressive community. For others however, at least for me, the current processes in the region are following the steps of the founders of the revolutionary theory.

If we take a look at this legacy, we know that figures like Karl Marx,Frederick Engles or Vladimir Ilich Lenin, the revolution was not catechism or dogma, but a body of live ideas closely related to reality and thecharacteristics of each nation and of course, far from idealism and strange interpretations.

The Cuban Revolution itself, born out of objective and subjective emergencies of our people is precisely the first regional example of the consequent application of those transformation principles of each place and specific moments.

But within the budgets of the 21st Century Socialism that before anydemand of those that act in consequence with its universe, the calls for efficiency are true elements.

It deals with a process of change, including our own Revolution, requiresshowing at each moment, by imperative political elements, its superiority in relation with the capitalist system in working towards an increase inthe quality of life of its people.

Lenin himself, several years prior to the Bolshevik victory in Russiaexplained that one of the first tasks for the new State would be to demonstrate to the masses that to improve the quality of life would be apriority for the new authorities.

To make this a reality, there must be efficiency in the economic andsocial sphere. Economies must contribute with each nations´ key resources that materially support the advancement.

Then the social aspect because there must be a radical change in the relations of production and the ways of distribution in order to eradicate the old practice of favoring the reduced number of exploiters with theconsequent exclusion of the majority.

Efficiency is a common word in many speeches carried out by progressive Latin American leaders of today and something that is expanding and consolidating in the region including our own current economic transformation process.( Néstor Núñez / AIN)

Cuba Holds the Ceremony Award of the Cuban Scientific Journalism and Communication Contest

SANTA CLARA, Cuba - The documentary ‘Villa Clara Marine Coastal Environment’, by Rogelio Mora, from the Center of Environmental Studies and Services (CESAM), was awarded on Wednesday the grand prize of the Alfredo Nieto Dopico Scientific Journalism and Communication Contest.

The documentary, which highlights the importance of protecting biodiversity in the coastal area of the central Cuban province of Santa Clara, also received recognition by the Social Communicators Association.

The delegate from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), Maria del Carmen Velazco, highlighted Mora’s work, taking into account that in 2010 he made a commendable work on environmental education through audiovisual pieces.

The radio award was given to journalist Lisdey Rega from the radio station Estereocentro for a series of works on students who are members of scientific societies.

A program dedicated to the protection of a vegetal specie of Santa Clara, by producer Arnaldo Diaz, from Telecubanacan, was also awarded.

The press award was presented to journalist Ricardo Gonzalez, from the Vanguardia Newspaper, for his work ‘Expedition to Jumagua’; and the photography award was given toJose Antonio Pegudo, from CESAM for a trio of images of the fauna of that province.

Aliam Camacho, a CITMA specialist, referred to the quality of the more than 40 works presented in the contest, and said that 27 of these works will represent the province in the Gilberto Caballero National Journalism and Communication Festival, sponsored by CITMA. (acn)

Cuba Welcomes University Students from 70 Nations

HAVANA, Cuba - Deputy Higher Education Minister Gil Ramon Gonzalez informed on Wednesday that there are youngsters from over 70 countries presently studying in Cuba.

In a press conference held at the Higher Education Ministry, Gonzalez pointed out that in the present academic year there are over 78,000 Cuban and foreign students in 63 universities.

At the end of the 2009-2010 course, close to one million 82,000 university students had graduated in the Caribbean nation since the triumph of the Revolution, thanks to the creation of a plan of scholarships for those centers of higher studies, he stressed.

That project began on November 7, 1960, at the University of Havana, recalled one of its founders, Gerardo Emilio Chong, who added that the initiative made it possible for youngsters from different territories and social condition to study at the center of higher studies.

Students of engineering, architecture and medical sciences were benefited from that program promoted by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, who attended the inauguration of the first university dormitory, he pointed out.

The ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the Movement of University Scholarships will take place on January 19 at the Main Lecture Hall of the University of Havana, as announced by the institution’s Vice-rector, Norma Barros.(anc)

The ALBA-1 Fiber Optic Cable is transported to Venezuela

HAVANA, Cuba - The ALBA-1 fiber optic cable that will be laid between Venezuela and Cuba and then to Jamaica is being transported from France to the Bolivarian country by the French Île de Batz ship.

Before its departure from the port of Calais, the vessel was visited by Cuban ambassador Orlando Requeijo and by the scientific attaché of that mission, Dennis Casares, who expressed their interest in the details of the transfer, the Granma newspaper report on Wednesday.

The ship’s captain, Pierre Emmanuel Dautry, informed that the vessel is carrying over 1,600 kilometers of cable in its holds, as well as sophisticated technology for its laying and an underwater robot that will facilitate the monitoring of operations.

The new technology will be in operation this year and will multiply the island’s connection with other countries by 3,000, according to information provided by Cuban and Venezuelan authorities.

The link will make it possible to break the blockade of communications, imposed by the United States on Cuba, to expand integration between Latin America and Caribbean nations, and to strengthen Cuban-Venezuelan relations.

At present, the Caribbean island’s access to the network is only by satellite, a situation that limits communications because they depend on an expensive, narrower band.

Meanwhile, conditions are created in Cuba to receive the underwater cable that will soon begin to be laid between Camuri, north of Venezuela, and Siboney beach, near the city of Santiago de Cuba, on the southeast part of the island.(acn)

Cuba and the United States Held New Round of Migration Talks in Havana

HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 13 - A new round of migration talks between Cuba and the United States was held on Wednesday in Havana. The delegations were headed by Cuba’s Deputy Foreign Minister Dagoberto Barrera and by the US’s Principal Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Roberta Jacobson.

The Cuban News Agency reproduces the full text of a press release issued on Wednesday by the Cuban delegation to this new round of migration talks.

“A new round of migration talks between the United States and Cuba took place on January 12, 2011. Both countries’ delegations to the meeting were headed by Mrs. Roberta Jacobson, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and Mr. Dagoberto Rodríguez Barrera, Deputy Foreign Minister, respectively.

“The meeting developed in an atmosphere of respect. An assessment was made of the way in which both parties have complied with their commitments under the migration accords in force. The meeting recognized there has been a significant reduction in risky illegal departures from Cuba to the United States as a result of the efforts carried out by both countries to cope with migrant smuggling and illegal migration.

“Deputy Foreign Minister Dagoberto Rodríguez expressed: ‘It was a fruitful exchange aimed at moving on to the establishment of more effective mechanisms of cooperation to combat illegal migrant smuggling.

Cuban authorities have systematically responded to U.S. requests and have provided valuable information as well as testimonies and evidence suitable for prosecuting smugglers before U.S. courts. Cuba reiterated its interest in strengthening bilateral cooperation in this area.’

“The Cuban delegation reaffirmed once again that migrant smuggling will not disappear nor could a legal, safe and orderly migration be achieved between our two countries as long as the Cuban Adjustment Act and the wet foot/dry foot policy –which encourage illegal departure of Cubans to the United States–, remain in place.

“The Cuban delegation reiterated its willingness to maintain these exchanges.” (acn)

Raul Castro Meets with Visiting Mexican Political Leader

HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 13 - The Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC), Raul Castro, met on Wednesday in Havana with the president of Mexico’s Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) and vice president of Socialist International (SI) —a worldwide organization of social democratic, socialist and labor parties—, Beatriz Paredes Rangel, who is on a working visit in Cuba.

According to a note read on Cuban television, during the meeting, both leaders spoke about the current state of relations between the two parties and other topics of international interest.

Also present in the meeting was Cuba’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla.(acn)

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Cuba and Djibouti Strengthen Bilateral Ties

HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 11 - The Cuban ambassador in Djibouti, Clara Pulido, was received on Monday by Idriss Aranoud, president of the National Assembly of this African country, with whom she spoke of the state ofbilateral relations. According to the website of the Cuban Foreign Ministry (, Aranoud showed interest in strengthening ties between Cuba and Djibouti, where there are currently many professionals from the Caribbean island making their contribution, mainly in the public health sector but also in the sports and water resources fields.

The parliamentarian thanked the Cuban people and the professionals working in his country for their contribution to strengthening bilateral relations and for their work in favor of the people of Djibouti.

They also spoke of topics of international interest and they agreed on the importance of creating parliamentary groups of friendship between the nationals assemblies of both nations.(acn)

Cuban Children Theater Company Acclaimed in Yucatan

HAVANA, Cuba - The Cuban children theater company La Colmenita was warmly welcomed on two recent performances in Yucatan, Mexico, where they staged “La cucarachita Martina.”

“Director Carlos Alberto Cremata’s industrious bees showed with flying colors why they were named UNICEF’s cultural good-will ambassadors,” says a Prensa Latina report.

On Sunday, the children boasted their virtuosity before families from the community of San Jose Tecoh, southeast Merida. The show ended with the young artists dancing along to the beat of Cuban music with children and adults on the audience.

One day earlier, the company performed at Las Americas Park in Merida on the occasion of the 469th anniversary of the city. This was the first performance of the company in Mexico, said Granma newspaper.

Culture director of Merida’s City Hall Roger Metri Duarte told the media it was a high honor for the city to receive La Colmenita in the city and described the Cuban company as a very important Cuban cultural project.

Local and regional authorities in Yucatan gave Cremata several recognitions. On behalf of the company, Cremata said to be honored for having been invited to participate in the Festival de la Ciudad 2011 which gave them the opportunity to perform for the first time in Mexico.(acn)

Villa Clara’s International Airport Increases Operations

SANTA CLARA, Cuba - The Abel Santamaria International Airport has increased its operations, with the arrival this month, and for the first time, of a flight of the Principal de Chile airline coming from Córdoba, Argentina.

Jesús Diaz-Canel, director of the National Office for Tourist Information (INFOTUR) in Villa Clara, told ACN that the airport is also receiving flights from Buenos Aires, which are the beginning of the direct arrival of Argentinean tourists to the province’s northeastern cays. He added that airplanes from eight airliners established in Europe, North and South America land in the air terminal, with more than 40 flights a week during the current tourist winter season, which represents an excess of almost ten as compared to the same period of 2010.

He highlighted that statistics reflect a three percent increase in the arrival of travelers to the province’s territory in 2010, having the cays of Santa Maria, Ensenachos and Las Brujas -with beautiful beaches and recreational attractions in spots of great biodiversity- as tourist destinations.

Mario Ricardo Mir, director of the “Abel Santamaria”, explained that the staff of this center was trained for the increase of 160 flights during the present high tourist season.

He underlined that Canada is the main country sending passengers to this airport, Cuba’s fifth in terms of the movement of airplanes and travelers, closely linked to the development of the tourist area of the northeast cays of Villa Clara province.(acn)

Posada Carriles: 11 charges, none for terrorism

HAVANA, Cuba - Criminal Luis Posada Carriles should answer to 11 charges, none of them for terrorism, in the trial that began today in El Paso, Texas, as pointed out in the Round Table aired by Cuban radio and television on Monday.

Two accusations are for perjury, one for obstruction of justice, another one for fraud in naturalization procedures, and seven for false statements in relation to migratory proceedings, clarified presenter Randy Alonso.

The selection of the jury was the objective of the trial this Monday against Posada Carriles, who entered US territory illegally in April, 2005, after being pardoned by Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso, five days before leaving office.

For analyst Reinaldo Taladrid, the real intention of the US district attorney’s office, on behalf of that country’s government, continues to be the protection of Posada Carriles, with the purpose of hiding his bonds and tasks fulfilled for the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA), which he served for many years.

The analyst recalled that the judges that have participated in the case in the US have insisted in that the US government has not presented evidence of terrorism against Posada Carriles and have described it as “a hot potato,” although, in this regard, Cuba has given the district attorneys substantial certified proof from the beginning..

Journalist Jean-Guy Allard recalled that Posada Carriles was serving a sentence in Panama – along with other terrorists- for conceiving a plan for an assassination attempt on Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, during the Iberian-American Summit of the year 2000, and cited illicit methods used by the criminal to enter the US later.

Over the telephone, Jose Pertierra, Venezuela’s lawyer in the extradition request against Posada Carriles –pending an answer by the US government-, explained that the trial will begin on Tuesday, January 12, and that it last a few weeks, with the presentation of evidence by the district attorney’s office.

Pertierra explained that Judge Katerine Cardone has not decided yet whether she will accept for the first time evidence presented by Cuba on the terrorist nature of the actions of Posada Carriles, and said that, if she does, the District Attorney’s Office would have to decide if it will present specific charges in this regard.

It has emerged that 22 representatives of the Miami-based anti-Cuban mafia are in El Paso, in an attempt to defend Posada Carriles, a local newspaper reported.

The publication also cited the large number of US demonstrators that –in front of the law court- demand real justice against the criminal , carrying images of the 73 people killed in the sabotage of the Cuban airliner on October 6, 1976, one of the confessed masterminds of which was Posada Carriles.(acn)