viernes, 27 de marzo de 2009

When the excellence is looked for, it grows

By:Ernesto Pantaleón Medina |Camagüey Television

The Cuban system of health is so far from the perfection or the excellence, as everybody know, and lamentable examples exist of how much it is necessary to fight to improve the conditions of numerous facilities in difficult constructive state, or to replace with efficiency and dedication the potholes that it leaves an expensive supply of medications, in occasions from remote corners of the planet, to a very superior price to the original, and everything for blame of the blockade.

And also why not? The inconveniences of subjective order are, those that go by the man's conscience and the woman that could make more as for sensibility and love, in the execution of that settled down by the norms of labor discipline and organization.

But there are merits and achievements that cannot hide neither to ignore, still for the critic more become obstinate in finding the dark side of the things, even there where the stain is only a minimum shade, and the light is plentiful.

An example was given to know recently, when a company of Camagüey, the Comercializer DIVEP, received the diploma that credits it like center promoter of the health, and in fact surrendered this condition when two important anniversary was completed: the hard-working Metallurgist's Day (branch to which belongs) and the day of world fight against the tuberculosis.

They were years of systematic work that included the personnel's training on the topic, the clinical checkups to squares and workers and the corresponding medical pursuit, the cleaning and embellishment of the areas, the fight against vectors of illnesses and the creation of better labor conditions.

It was not easy, amid lacks and with a without number of tasks that to assist for the physicians and the support personnel who had in first line to the doctors and nurses of the family in the area in that the company is located.

But the important thing is that it was achieved, and it was created in leaders, officials, workers, technicians and specialist, a new way to think, a bigger sensibility with the measures that spread to avoid illnesses perfectly prophilactis, or to minimize the damage in those that have been detected when they have already begun their noxious action.

That is quality of life, work conditions that although are not the ideals, they constitute an advance, a model that well could follow other systems of health, without seeking that ours is at the end of the road.

It is not an isolated fact, but of a strategy that takes the Ministry of Public Health in the country in all the levels, under the foreign currency that to prevent is better than curing.

For that reason, still when some that another day becomes difficult to consent to a medication, when the hospital service is not the good , it is necessary to analyze the reason, and if it is the simple human behavior, to demand solutions, but if it goes further on, to appeal to the understanding and to remember examples like that of these lines.

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