sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Close fourth edition of the festival of Television Camagüey

By: Luis Enrique Perdomo Silva / Television Camagüey

The projection of the documentary “Ave María”, of the maker Gustavo Pérez Fernández was the epilogue of the fourth Festival of Television Camagüey, audiovisual contest where competed more than 120 works. Among the winning ones the five municipal televisors and the telecenter stood out Nuevavisión.

The community of Santa Cruz del Sur and the program “Gallery City”, of the provincial telecenter,monopolized the prizes of the Fourth Festival of Television taken place in the county of Camagüey.

A special recognition of picture to the group of works and laurels in the categories of information, report and documentary obtained the televisor of Santa Cruz, as long as “Gallery City”, winner of the Great Prize, headed the picture sections, script, sound band, assembly and edition.

The jury also granted Recognitions to documental of the responsibility of a group of students of the Ability of Communication in the University of Camagüey.

The colateral program of the fourth edition of the Festival of Television Camagüey was tinged by theoretical sessions, the pictorial sample “Gallery City”, the presentation of the book “Powder of Wings… the film script in Cuba”, of Oneyda González, and the exhibition of the documentary “Ave María”, of the maker Gustavo Pérez, works that it is presented at the moment in the Latin Festival of Chicago, in United States.

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