martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Close of the summer in Camagüey, options for all the likes

Camagüey, 24 Aug. - The bookstores Athenaeum and “Mariana Grajales”, next to the Provincial Center of the Plastic arts and 15 sale points in the street Republic, in the capital provincial , will be to disposition of the people of Camagüey next Friday in the Festival of the Reading that will close the activities of the summer here.

It is also announced for the occasion the performance of magicians, clowns of the circus Areíto and the dance Group Sangre Gitana, and the premiation of the Little competition Camagüey 2010, on the thematic of the Peace in the world.

Homage to sport glories and-jointly - the possibility to participate in domino games and of chess, to enjoy a canine exhibition, of the Plan of the Street, and departir with integral of the sport Rock “Miguel Caldés”, are some of the options, to those that the community artistic shows are added

The Project Carsueños will show a dollies exhibition, and starting from two in the afternoon the Provincial Center of the Plastic arts will offer artists' of the Catalog of Excellency of that institution paintings, in homage to the anniversary 109 of Carlos Enríquez`s birthday .

The Party of the Reading of next Friday will count, also, with the presentation of the book Casabe and matajíbaro, of Olga García Yero, and of the magazine Cuban Cinema, next to the conference “Carlos Enríquez, the character.”

Already in hours of the afternoon, in the portal of the bookstore Athenaeum the show of the instructors of Art of the House of Culture will be presented “Joaquín de Agüero” that includes painting on the asphalt, rural dances, and the actings of the Group musical Tradition, and of declaimers and oral narrators, besides participation games. (Raysa Mestril Gutiérrez)

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