martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Contributes University of Camagüey to the formation of professionals of other countries

Havana- The Center of Study of the Sciences of the Education of the University of Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte and Loynaz” elevates the Cuban and Latin American professional's quality, starting from the implementation of intensive projects for the formation of doctors and masters.

Countries like Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Republic Of the Dominican Republic and Venezuela have received the educational-pedagogic and scientific impact of the institution, and achieved for their respective universities a better category for the acreditation process.

Alodio Mena Campo, investigating professor of the educational center of Camagüey, considered that with the intensive projects of non alone superation the graduates benefit, but also the cloisters of Cuban, and international professors, those that enrich in the mutual exchange and know other experiences and educational, educational and pedagogic realities.

The expert explained that through the mentioned projects, during the past course were formed 89 masters in the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, in Mexico.

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