miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Integrated system of Medical Urgencies of Camagüey, among the first ones in Cuba

The ambulances of medical emergency are endowed with advanced teams of vital attendance.

Camagüey, sep 1st- From its setting in march in the year 2005 the Integrated System of Medical Urgencies (SIUM) of the county of Camagüey, is located among the five first of the country with better results.

Camagüey has bases of ambulances in all the municipalities, to what sink the hospital therapies and the intensive areas, with a bigger number of teams in the provincial, given capital the complexity and the demand of these services.

As part of the one referred program in the year in course the transportation was increased of more than 30 thousand people with sufferings don't burden, remitted to institutions of Public Health of other counties and of the Cuban capital.

The personnel's valuable contribution that works in the System of Medical Urgencies, is the attention in its own homes to patients affected by heart and breathing unemployments, and have an cerebrovascular accident. (Alex López Almaguer)

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