miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Committed of railwaymen to stabilize the service of transport

Camagüey, - Those more than 500 workers of the Managerial Unit of Base of Locomotive of Camagüey, one of the centers with labor tradition of this county, reaffirm their commitment of favoring the reanimation of the rail service where the country bets with a multimillionaire investment, not only dedicated to the traction equipment, but of means that assure the repair of the net vial.

This unit, known popularly as Rail Shops, is devoted to the repair and maintenance of locomotives of different technological, included invoices the modern machines coming from the Popular Republic China.

In yesterday's afternoon an exchange was made Ahead with integral of the community of the newspaper, the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC) and other means of massive diffusion, more a representation of the managerial unit of rail base.

The encounter was good to press the restlessness of those that recepcion the messages, referred, among other, to the agility of the answers to critical of the section Catauro and the rhythm in the edition of the printed weekly publication and the impact in the internet users of the digital version.(Enrique Atiénzar Rivero)

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