viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

Organizes Cooperative of Credits and Services of Camagüey encounter among their associate

Camagüey. With the purpose of improving the attention of the new lessees of lands in usufruct, those associated to the Cooperative of Credits and Services (CCS) José Antonio Echeverría organizes, for next June 3, an encounter with such producers.

It will be this the first experience of that type that is promoted in the municipality of Camagüey, directed to exchange approaches about the challenge that assume of dedicating lands, until then idlers, to the cattle raising or the agricultural production.

From the same beginning of the process of delivery of lands in usufruct, those associated to the CCS José Antonio Echeverría agreed to assist the new lessees and to support them with his farm instruments.

Such a cooperation level will rebound in a quicker exploitation of the given parcels whose contributions will augment the productive patrimony of the cooperative, determined to surpass again this year the million of liters of milk sold to the State. (Miguel Febles Hernández)

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