lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009

Teachers, as the same life

By:Dayana Cardona González

For all us the teachers, are, next to our parents, most important people, especially during the life of students in the one that play a paper of first order with their support and guide so that in the future we are useful people to our society, in any profession that we assume.

I don't know, neither I have heard speak from a teacher that is not willing to teach to any person that needs it, although it stops that they have to leave far from their relatives, without caring them to face difficulties that by the way are many those that happen.

If there is some boy that cannot attend the school for some physical limitation, the teachers go to their house to impart them the classes, because that boy is entitled the same that the other ones, even for those that have other affectations like the deaf ones and the blind ones, specialists of towering level that impart classes in specialized centers exist.

In the hospitals, when the time of the children's stay is lingering, classrooms where the teachers maintain the upgrade of the study programs and in spite of its illness, the children receive, besides the necessary instruction , a lot of love, affection and understanding, and once reestablished, when they return to their schools, there are not differences with their habitual partners.

Thanks to our revolutionary Government all the youths, and those that are not so much that detached of the educational system in the established time for certain reasons, also have the fortune of being able to study, even without paying the Cuban education then it is gratuitous, and unique thing in the world, during the last seven years, to study has been here an employment form, by means of which boys' thousands study preuniversitary level and study university careers, receiving for it a wage.

Then, when we meditate a little on the paper of the teachers in our lives, and the immensity of the educational work erected with their unquestionable list, we feel how from the deepest thing is born a new form of the love, maybe as old as the same life: that one that confirms us in our revolutionary convictions.

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