jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

And they call themselves "human beings"

By:Ernesto Pantaleón Medina\Televisión Camagüey

Asha was, with all security, a girl like other anyone, with her l4 years full with dreams and fantasies; maybe with some cloth doll like favorite friend, confidant perhaps of some adolescent love.

But she wanted the destination (that species of fate, almost always wicked that invoke some to hide realities) that our small one was born in Somalia, and he died stoned at the end of last year to have been violated.

The authors of the cruelty, three ruffians members of a powerful clan in the port city of Kismayo, and received the terrible punishment in spite of not having made adultery, crime that although you don't believe it, it is condemned by means of such a procedure in some Islamic countries.

The inhuman practice consists on burying until the neck to the victim, and to murder it by stoning, almost always in public show able to revolve the stomach to the worst in the medieval inquisitors.

After taking place the infringing act, did Asha take to the tribunals to the comisors of the crime, but the law (will that be truly law?) didn't it impede that the relatives of the accused "did they wash its honor" in the described way, since the virginity "does it owe alone honor in marriage, and do I lower any concept to get lost."

The painful event happened in a continent that doesn't go in the tip of the world sky-scraper, but rather it is earth of back payments, underdevelopment, mediocrity and an etcs list that a lot has to do with the color of the skin of its inhabitants, as they count in its newspapers and super chains of TV the blondes of blue eyes that reside a little here, or further on.

Ah, because of those some are precisely also said "little things"…
Dresden, Germany, year 2009:

Marwa, Egyptian, 3l years old, died from l8 stabs in the own headquarters of the tribunal of that town, at the hands of a German youth who called him "terrorist" for the simple one made of taking the covered face for a veil.

And in the United States, world of stars, stars, millions, drugs, missiles, development and "racial superiority", l 400 women dies every year after being hit by its couples.

According to data of the ONU, between two and four million femaleness suffer golpizas annually that, although they don't cause them the death, they leave physical sequels, and mainly (the worst, and incurable) mental.

To live to see, and I assure it to you, my friends, you will be surprised still inhabits today under this sun that illuminates us, of how much barbarism although not to all equally.

And they call themselves "human beings"

By:Ernesto Pantaleón Medina\Televisión Camagüey

Asha was, with all security, a girl like other anyone, with her l4 years full with dreams and fantasies; maybe with some cloth doll like favorite friend, confidant perhaps of some adolescent love.

But she wanted the destination (that species of fate, almost always wicked that invoke some to hide realities) that our small one was born in Somalia, and he died stoned at the end of last year to have been violated.

The authors of the cruelty, three ruffians members of a powerful clan in the port city of Kismayo, and received the terrible punishment in spite of not having made adultery, crime that although you don't believe it, it is condemned by means of such a procedure in some Islamic countries.

The inhuman practice consists on burying until the neck to the victim, and to murder it by stoning, almost always in public show able to revolve the stomach to the worst in the medieval inquisitors.

After taking place the infringing act, did Asha take to the tribunals to the comisors of the crime, but the law (will that be truly law?) didn't it impede that the relatives of the accused "did they wash its honor" in the described way, since the virginity "does it owe alone honor in marriage, and do I lower any concept to get lost."

The painful event happened in a continent that doesn't go in the tip of the world sky-scraper, but rather it is earth of back payments, underdevelopment, mediocrity and an etcs list that a lot has to do with the color of the skin of its inhabitants, as they count in its newspapers and super chains of TV the blondes of blue eyes that reside a little here, or further on.

Ah, because of those some are precisely also said "little things"…
Dresden, Germany, year 2009:

Marwa, Egyptian, 3l years old, died from l8 stabs in the own headquarters of the tribunal of that town, at the hands of a German youth who called him "terrorist" for the simple one made of taking the covered face for a veil.

And in the United States, world of stars, stars, millions, drugs, missiles, development and "racial superiority", l 400 women dies every year after being hit by its couples.

According to data of the ONU, between two and four million femaleness suffer golpizas annually that, although they don't cause them the death, they leave physical sequels, and mainly (the worst, and incurable) mental.

To live to see, and I assure it to you, my friends, you will be surprised still inhabits today under this sun that illuminates us, of how much barbarism although not to all equally.


By: José Gilberto Valdés \Televisión Camagüey


The Cubans and all the people of good will in the world, maintain the birdcall for the return to the Homeland of the five fighters antiterrorist prisoners wrongly in jails of the United States …The international campaign of solidarity has demonstrated that yes can influence so that the tribunals act in less excessive form.

The Cuban parliament's president, Ricardo Alarcón reiterated they are innocent and they should be liberated…

The resentences dictated yesterday in Miami THIRTY years freedom for Ramón Labañino and NINETEEN, for Fernando González, they are still unjust for that should not have been prisoners neither one second.

Previously they had modified the sentence against Antonio Guerrero to TWENTYONE years and EIGHT months…

The three signed a message to the Cuban town and the world, in which point out as arbitrary the exclusion from the resentence process to Gerardo Hernández who turns two life imprisonments more FIFTEEN years in prison…

We all coincide that now to the North American president Barack Obama plays him to speak about this entangled judicial process…The rest of the world continues in the campaign of solidarity with the Five Cuban Heroes…

Simply Fernando

Although was born on December 27, 1914 in Havana Fernando Alonso left his print in the Ballet of Camagüey.

The Company of Camagüey celebrated his 95 years. To the parties united cultural institutions of the county.

By: Aymee Amargós\ Televisión Camagüey

Fernando Alonso is the art in person. Capable to yield the movement of any step, to the teacher,for him is indispensable the 1, 2, 3,... in each choreography.

To this figure of the world of the dance, the ballet of Camagüey paid him a homage for its 95 years.

In the Office of the historian of the city the Provincial Sectoral of culture, the government and the Party in the territory gave him recognitions.

"My life is very bound to this county, which I want vastly. Join me strong and indestructible knots with the ballet of Camagüey.

In the parties of the ballet the student Patricia Dieguez dedicated him a poetry on behalf of the children of the Center of ballet promotion and dances and the group Musicora interpreted him traditional numbers.

Fernando Alonso is invited to the celebration by the anniversary 42 of the company ofCamagüey that he directed during 16 years.

When speaks of technique in the ballet, when speaks of delivery, dedication and love is forced name that of this Cuban one that dancer, choreographer, directive, educator and adviser, filled from successes to several companies and gave their knowledge in the scenaries of the world he was Cofundador of the Cuban School of Ballet and of the National Ballet of Cuba.

Now he enjoys his 95 years-old fullness.

Thank Fernando Alonso to have enlarged of victories the art of dancing. Thank you to have a man that has given life to the ballet. Thank you, simply Fernando.