The graduated Marlenys Sierra, coordinator of that program in the territory, qualified the 2009 as a good year, with a rate of 2,4 died by thousand born alive, the best in all the times there, even, below the registered one in the county: that it was of four, the best in its history and for fourth serial year smaller than five.
It is exactly to highlight that at the end of last year maintained in zero their rates of mortality in smaller than one year the municipalities of Carlos M. de Céspedes, Sierra de Cubitas and Jimaguayú.
The PAMI in Florida, like in each corner of the country, contemplates no less than 17 consultations for the pregnant and 30 diagnostic exams to detect in their future children serious sufferings or congenital malformations, while from the same moment of the birth begin to be immunized against thirteen illnesses.
As the Program… it concerns the adolescents equally, to the women in fertile age, to the family and the community, it is that it constitutes object of concern for the graduated Marlenys the one that an important number of gestants in its territory is smaller than 20 years, reason why it assures, it is required from a bigger sanitary education to level of the communities, areas of Health and teaching centers, because to not avoid a pregnancy wanted by means of the use of the condom, it also impedes, the appearance of illnesses of sexual transmission, with the inclusion of the HIV-AIDS.
It would be unjust to obviate the extrasectorial support that the PAMI receives that shows results of the first world, even when Cuba is a economic, commercial and financially blockade nation for more than half century for the United States of North America.(Olga Lilia Vilató )