Fragments of the accusations formulated yesterday for the President Hugo Chávez on the infiltration in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of the one connoted terrorist Francisco Antonio Chávez Abarca , faithful subordinate of Luis Posada Carriles.
For that reason walk desperate trying to set on fire the country or that there is a hit of state against Chávez. None of those things will happen, we won't allow it.
Last nightt was captured a great terrorist that wanted to enter to Venezuela, by the way of last name Chávez. He came with false name, and belongs to the terrorists of Posada Carriles.Question that asks memyself from last night is: what did thatman come to make to Venezuela? Why that trip to Venezuela?...
Here the page of INTERPOL is: Chávez Abarca, Francisco Antonio is his own name, although he came with another name and is part of the mafia of Posada Carriles. Last night recognized who is, he recognized to be the terrorist that has the Red Code, pointed out by INTERPOL like very violent person.
Current last names, Chávez Abarca. Name: Francisco Antonio. Place and date of birth: El Salvador, where he lived many years Posada Carriles, that same one that put the bomb in the Cuban airplane, that that here tortured and sent to kill many Venezuelans when the ADECO gave him to be able to and era Boss of Operations of the DISIP, that that now the government from United States protects in his territory.
What did he come to make Chávez Abarca to Venezuela? To "turisting", to know Canaima, Island Margarita? What relationship will have the arrival of Chávez Abarca with the despair of the Venezuelan bourgeoisie? What did come to make Chávez Abarca, this gentleman?
INTERPOL that Chávez Abarca a terrorist says is considered in active, author of several violent acts against Cuban interests. It has put bombs in Cuba, inside Cuba— look until where arrived!—because Inn put the bomb to the Cuban airplane, but was here in Venezuela, taking advantage of the complicity and the support until of the officials of those regimens ADECO. But this intruded inside Cuba.
April 2 1997: placed an explosive load that produced serious damages in the disco Aché of the hotel Meliá Cohíba, in Havana.
April 30 ,1997 placed an explosive load in the floor 15 of the same hotel that didn't end up exploding.
Mexico, May 24, 1997, is suspicious of having placed an explosive load in the office Cubanacán, Cuban tourist company. Between 1997 and 1998 recruited several guilty terrorists of the detonation of explosive loads in Cuban tourist facilities that a death and several wounded caused, besides damages in different properties.
He should be one of those terrorists that were to the control of Posada Carriles that was captured, being Fidel in Panama—I was also—, the King from Spain and the presidents from Latin America and Iberian Europe. He will put a bomb to kill Fidel. The objective was Fidel, and I was in the means. And they captured him. And later the government from Panama, the government of then, the free ¼ for pressures of who? Of Bush's government. And there is protected. That is the boss of this that last night grabs. What would he come to make Chávez Abarca to Venezuela? To eat up a socialist round maize loaf in the silence, or to go for a walk for Guaraira and Repano in the telespheric? Terrorist of the highest danger is captured.
Last night they tell me that was very desperate, after he realized. They are terrorist well trained, clear, with a false passport. When he realized that was discovered, he says then: "It is well, I am the person." And a little later entered in despair, as informed me.
It is necessary to interrogate him, because there is a question: what did he come to make here? With who did come to gather? Who or who and for what reason were they waiting for here? Questions that, of course, we will investigate. Hopefully he collaborates.
Chávez Abarca acted under the orders in the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles` actions, with who has maintained permanent contacts, he has military training and knowledge. It is expert in production and manipulation of explosive devices, sniper, terrorist. Captured in Maiquetía last night with false passport.
We will see if Globovision and the means of the bourgeoisie say something on this. Good, perhaps he says that Chávez is inventing this that is an assembly that is a very respected priest that he came stops here that the Pope sent and I don't know how more. They are able to invent any thing. Good, didn't invent and did present to the world that video that in Bridge Yaguno Chávez was the one that sent to kill people that killed? They don't have limits in their hate and in their capacity to manipulate.
Behind all this, the hand of the CIA, the Central station of Intelligence of the yanki Empire that sent to kill Fidel Castro is behind all that.
What would
Chávez Abarca to come to make Venezuela? What did move the hand of the empire and ofPosada Carriles that is there in United States, to move to one of their more zealously kept squares?
Who did bring it? Who was waiting for him?