In the face of the increment of the prices of the fossil fuels and the possibilities of exhaustion in a near future, is imposed to use the use of renewable and alternative energy, as the eolic.
According to studious of the topic the one referred segment will be that of quicker growth of the energy industry in the coming 10 years.
Consulted statistics predict that for final of 2017 the planet will have 718 thousand megawatts (mw) of installed capacity, due to the increase of the areas dedicated to that end, mainly in the United States and China.
The technical means to take advantage of the wind use it near 80 countries, satisfy 1,5 percent of the world energy demand and offer direct employment to half million of people, it indicates the World Eolic Association (WWEA, for its initials in English).
The document also reveals that the eolic one is a substantial factor in the economic development, with perspective of avoiding the emission of 10 thousand million tons of dioxide of carbon, and to impede the worst consequences in the climatic change.
To the closing of the 2009, the eolic capacity installed in the planet arrived to 140 thousand 951 MW.
In Cuba, the program of the Energy Revolution conceives the use and studies of the areas with possibilities of using the winds to generate electricity.
The proximity of two oceans in the area of the Caribbean and the presence of solar radiation between 12 and 14 hours a day provides to the bigger than The Antilles favorable conditions for the employment of the eolic energy, asserted the AIN Carlos Arturo Flores, executive secretary of the Latin American Organization of Energy (OLADE)
Its employment will be opportune to reach the government commitments of reducing the emissions of gases that cause the effect hothouse and the global heating, delimited.
Flores manifested admiration for the results of the employment of the eolic energy in the Island, project that is example for many countries of the region.
The saving of thousands of tons of equivalent combustible petroleum, thanks to the operation of the three existent eolic parks in the nation, confirms the importance of the employment of the renewable energy. (William Fernández)