viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010

New incubator for poultry of Camagüey

By:Lucilo Tejera Díaz /AIN

The assembly of an incubator that will elevate the efficiency, develop the National Poultry Combine in the county, and it is one of five installed in Cuba to be modernized and to reduce the production.

Of Chinese technology, the team has 15 machines, able to receive two and half millions of eggs of birds annually, almost double of what gets the plant in exploitation for 25 years.

Braulio Muñoz, in charge of the investment, informed that at this time it is worked in the civil part of the work, mainly in the reinstatement of tiles of zinc in the roof, in order to begin the assembling of the incubator in May and to toss to walk in June, according to the program.

The efficiency that is expressed in the natality of chicks that should reach the incubator will be of 90 percent, superior to the stocking of 80-85 of the one that is still in operation.

Virgen Traba, administrator of the plant, pointed out that some workers of the center will receive a training in the handling of the apparatus.

She added that the modernization works is developed without stopping the productive process and with the contribution of workers of the center, with the purpose of diminishing the investment costs.

With the new technology Camagüey will cover its demand of substitution of egg-laying hens, in accordance with the current capacities, and will offer an extra for other counties of the country.

The introduction of these incubators is part of the program that from 2005 Cuba develops to revive the specialized poultry keeping, which contemplates, also, the incorporation of ships and new drinking troughs and troughs and of amplification of the elaboration of food.

This branch in Camagüey suffered with force the damages of the hurricanes Ike and Paloma 2008, of whose considerable damages have not been able to recover fully.

In 2009 the egg production for the basic basket and the social consumption was of 103 million units, and in the current one should be about the 111 millions, around 85 percent of the necessity of the county.
The lack is replaced with shippings from Villa Clara and Sancti Spíritus.

Cuba and its democracy

By:Yamila Cruz Romero / Television Camagüey

The electoral process in Cuba is unic in the world for its special characteristics, the town is the one that proposes to its candidates and the vote is free for all Cuban citizen, the democracy appropriates of the important event and it is imposed this way, the responsibility of those who choose and are chosen, reason that constitutes a route to traveling after finish the period.

In each district becomes necessary the presence of a leader that makes of it, together with its residents a favorable and opportune reason that guarantees the respect and the mutual help among its inhabitants.

The electoral processes in our country, carried out for more than thirty years, were of the points of analysis of the First Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, taken place in December of the year 1975, of there that have maintained their socialist and revolutionary character, proper conditions of a society like ours.