Of all them, some like Elio Véliz, to who was necessary to tell you when of sugar journalism was spoken in this earth, formerly power in the production of the central ones and in the cane seed.Today Elio is retired but he didn't waste the opportunity to count on his genesis in this profession to which loves dearly.
Others as the fat Valdés that arrived in the decade of the 60 to the writing of Adelante to learn making. To the youngest in the journalistic exercise or those that cimient the continuity of the union from the university classrooms, counted them of the demands of the proofreaders that more than once put him the gone up face that its red identificative mane , of the one which by the way is no longer almost anything.
The Marías of the newspaper, that of television, and some there present, agreed or remembered with nostalgy those experiences in the writing or the shop of a daily newspaper; the tests of galleys, the lead of the linotype, the urgencies of the news of last hour, the nonexistence of computers then that forced to search in situ with more efforts... In short, moments that sometimes the dynamics of the life and the advances of the technology dark in the time and that, however, deserve their space then not only formed the work spirit and delivery of journalists' generations in Camagüey, but in the country.
The youths that already link studies with labor practice, value the worth of proving the theory in the active and sometimes until bustling writings of the press means. In them, assured we prove ourselves how much we like the career and which our true talent is.
This encounter, propitiated by the Union of Journalists in Camagüey, left us the pleasing flavor of a time lived with professional honesty, revolutionary surrenders and forces in the thought, values that last in our means and take shape from the same school.