viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Recognize contribution of rural community of Vertientes to the swinish production of Camagüey

Camagüey, 15 oct. - The Reynaldo León Yera `s peasants , in this territory - located to some 26 kilometers of the capital city -, gathered 100 tons of pig meat, production that deserved the delivery of a recognition for the address of the cooperative of credits and National servicios(CCS)Asociación of Small Farmers (ANAP).

Orlando Lugo Fonte, directing maximum of the rural organization in the country, gave the distinction to the community, which endorses the deployed effort to assure the feeding of the town and to fulfill the program of substitution of imports.

Integrated to the cattle movement to contribute a million liters of milk, these peasants also foment the production of rice - in the program of the 100 thousand quintals - and the several, alternative cultivations that allow to diversify the productions in each property.

The swinish agreements and the breeding with Creole methods of feeding, allowed the members of this CCS to register inside the five cooperative of Camagüey that fulfilled the commitment in the meat delivery.

With more than 800 pigs, distributed in the different modalities of agreements like those of reproduction, feeds terminal and raises to the weaning, this productive force guarantees its productions with efficiency, standing out the patio “The charm”, directed by Sergio Cabrera Alfonso, when achieving breeding parameters and feeds of agreement with the norms settled down by the swinish company.

This man of Vertientientes (gentile for the one that one knows the inhabitants of that town), practices for five years the breeding of pigs, and feels very satisfied had contributed with his contribution to the feeding of the town and to that his community is located among the best in the country.

The “Reynaldo León Yera” is integrated for near 180 peasants, which have ratified the commitment of defending the Revolution from the furrow. (Fernando Capote Taño)

The artistic teaching, achieve in the Cuban Culture

Camagüey,-The system of the Artistic Teaching in Camagüey receives the Day for the Cuban Culture with 638 students in the schools of elementary and half level, changes in the study programs and the challenges involved by this work that models to the talent.

The limitations in the fullfilness of accessories and of the cloister and the deficiencies in the entrance didn't impede this year the opening of the Vocational School of Art “Luis Casas Romero”, the Academy of the Arts “Vicentina of the Tower” and Music's Conservatory “José White”, where children and young of all the municipalities and of the rest of the Cuban counties receive music's specialties, ballet, dances, dramatic arts and plastic arts.

With the sustenance of the traditions of our town, each action in the educational-educational process and in the extraescolars activities contributes to the invigoration of the values of solidarity and the identification with the patrimony, assured Alina González, provincial subdirector of the Artistic Teaching .

The prizes in the International Encounter of Academies of Ballet, the Competition Jojazz and the National Festival of Theater are reasons to take place in the Day. Those achievements in the school course 2009-2010 point out for the current one, the necessity to intensify the work of engage of the students with their duties, of to stimulate the scientific investigation and to narrow the bonds with the institutions and the artistic vanguard.

Of the coherent imbrication between the education and the culture the artistic teaching is born in Cuba, constituted after 1959, in the Cuban Revolution, in a system that integrate 65 schools in three teaching levels: the elementary, half and superior.

Those centers form at the present time to more than 28 500 Cubans who consented to their classrooms for their talent, and in these reaffirm the feelings of national identity.(Yanetsy León González )

"Wishes of Camagüey"

Camagüey,"Wishes of Camagüey" began to arrive to the headquarters of an invitation that, without the most minimum public panic, becomes every two years one of the appointments but make happy in this city, the competition Acaalarre.

Interested in participating in the event, open for professionals and fond, began the shipment from their works of craft to the lid, only of their type in the country, dedicated especially to the topic of the witches.

Favored by the provincial branch of the Cuban Association of Artisans Artists (ACAA), the encounter will be from October 31 a sample with the contestants creations, after closing the 25 the admission of the works, in ceramic, carves in wood, maché paper, skin, textile elements, and the category of miscellany.

The exhibition will remain effective until ends of November in the local of the referred entity, adds a report given by the organizing commission. Catapulted to the international fame by the hunts of the Santa Inquisition begun in the Half Age in Europe, the sinister characters live with the stamp of the Creole choteo, in a contest that challenges artists and offers a popular entertainment.

In the previous version of Acaalare, in 2008,student of Right Luis Daniel Hernández Sed conquered three rewards and was the main laureate among those more than 60 competitors.

The public execution of more than two thousand people, in its majority in the blaze, is a dramatic legacy of the XV century, in the one which one of the biggest hunters, Tomás of Torquemada, occupied the position of general inquisitor of the crowns of Castile and Aragon, in Spanish territory.(Adolfo Silva Silva)

Celebrate in Camagüey the Day of the Cuban cooking

Camagüey, - The provincial act for the Day of the Cuban coking will be carried out this Saturday in Santa Lucía's tourist Pole, in recognition to its integral results of the present year, so much in the restaurants of the hotels like in the popular gastronomy.

To the celebration representations of the 13 municipalities will go, especially of Vertientes and Florida that reached the second and third place, respectively, granted by the Culinary Association of Camagüey.

The Badge to the culinary merit, of the Federation of Cuban Associations, will be received by eight specialists of the turn, with outstanding trajectories for ten or more serial years, while the Badge to the culinary friendship will receive seven professionals and squares of different sectors, like Trade, Education, Presses and other, with a systematic support to the ACC.

As it is habit in each encounter of the cooksof Camagüey, there will be a presentation of different plates, to propitiate an useful exchange in ways of making, with the spirit of generalizing the best experiences until in the smallest units.

In correspondence with this objective will also celebrate October 16 the World Day of the Feeding, proclaimed in 1979 by the Conference of the Organization of the United Nations for the Agriculture and the Feeding (FAO), because one of the main objectives is to achieve a good use of all the matters cousins employees in each food.

The association of Camagüey, with about four thousand integral, frequently imparts courses to qualify the personnel of kitchen of all the sectors, included hospitals, schools, productive centers and military units.

In a recent visit to the county, Alberto Guerra Jova, first vice-president of the national Federation, eulogized the technical preparation and professional of the Camagüey of the turn, but exhorted, the same as in the rest of the country, to follow the superation,, because “a cook in 15 days ago, but with love and perseverance. The kitchen is a permanent laboratory, where unite knowledge, rigor and abilities.”

He added that Cuba now is among the four better Latin American countries in the topic of the culinary elaboration.

Teófilo Ramón Ramón, president of the ACC, recognized the necessity to advance more in the domain of the knowledge of the occupation, and he informed that soon he will impart in Camagüey courses of Candy store.(Jorge Luis Peix)

The woman of Camagüey also contributes to the production of foods

The woman of Camagüey Gladys Rodríguez has each dawn a new reason to be happy: her property grows “The wanted”, located very near Isabel Hortensia community, in the municipality head of the county.

Gladys works the earth intensely since she acquired ago something more than two years in usufruct quality, to develop the production of milk, pig meat and ovinos essentially; although also seed viands, fruits, vegetables, vegetables, and ornamental and medicinal plants.

Next to her, more of a thousand 800 women in different points of the geography of this county, already come the fruits of their work in the field, thanks to the Ordinance-law 259 that put to laborious men and women disposition lazy lands to cultivate them.

Those new peasants associate to cooperative, and contribute with their contribution, to the production of foods for the town, at the same time that they support the social programs and the sustenance of their own families.( Mariela Peña Seguí)

Camagüey takes place World Day of the Normalization

Camagüey, 14 oct. - The community of the Territorial Office of Normalization of this county, commemorated today the World Day of that specialty with a homage to Ernesto Che Guevara, instigator in Cuba of the technical norms in the productions like road for the economic development.

Motivated by the date, in the mentioned institution adscripted to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, training actions are imparted in quality and metrology to the specialists that act in the different entities of Camagüey.

With such a purpose conferences and consultancies are imparted about the effective norms and in a special way courses were conceived about the systems of Security and Health in the Work, Human Capital and the one Integrated of Administration that imposes the current market to the managerial.

For October 28 the territorial office of Normalization in Camagüey plan a Provincial Shop in the one that the companies leaders of the county in the application of the mentioned work methods, will expose their experiences.

From 1961 and thanks to the vision of future of the Commandant Ernesto Che Guevara, Cuba integrates the International Organization of Normalization, ISO, for its initials in English, what has allowed the technical quality of the products dedicated to the export and its entrance to the international market. (Yamylé Fernández Rodríguez)

Esmerate attention to the diabetic patient in Camagüey

Camagüey -Preceded by City of Havana, the county of Camagüey is the second of Cuba with bigger incidence of the diabetes mellitus, because in its population there are more than 39 thousand 200 suffered by that illness.

Before this situation, the Center of attention to the diabetic patient in the capital city, carries out every week cycles of entrance national health clinic, to educate those people in a coexistence with the illness that favors its quality of life.

Remitted by the areas of health and policlinics, are subjected there to a checkup pre-entrance that includes analysis of blood, of urine, control of the arterial tension and nutrition evaluations, among other, to determine the treatment that will receive in next seven days.

During that cycle are practiced metabolic analysis several times a day, are modified the levels of insulin prewritten according to require , and learn how to be applied the medication or different analysis types for the control of the glucemia at home, said to the AIN the doctor Eneisy Basulto Marrero, directress of the institution.

She added that the center has educational function because receive conferences on the manifestations of the diabetes, the danger of the lesions in the feet and the importance of a diet of specific calories and low concentrations of salt and fatty.

In the week of entrance, the patient carries out the breakfasts, the snacks and the lunches to adapt to a balanced nutrition and to familiarize with the macrobiotic diet, of high desintoxic value, commented Alfredo Vicente Betancourt, cook of the center.

A multidisciplinary team makes a valuation individual oftalmology, endocrinology, of angiology and podology, and after compliment the entrance each patient can attend an orientation consultation and advice.

The personnel's careful work and the quality of the services allows to this institution to be included inside the achievements that the sector of the health Camagüey will exhibit in its next congress, as informed the AIN Vicente Roque Álvarez, general secretary of that union in the county.(Lianet Leandro López )