viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2008

Artists donate works in greeting to the anniversary 50 of the Revolution

By: Osviel Castro Medel

The Poetic sample of the Creole rooster exhibits 50 donated pieces equally creators' number and will have a permanent space in the provincial museum of Granma, Manuel Muñoz Cedeño.

BAYAMO.—Noted artists of the plastic of Cuba, as Nelson Domínguez, Ever Fonseca, Zaida del Río, Alicia Leal, Nelson Domínguez, Diana Balboa, Agustín Villafaña, among other, participate with their works in an exhibition inaugurated here, dedicated to the anniversary 50 of the Revolution.

The sample, titled Poetic of the Creole rooster, shows 50 donated works equally creators' number and will have a permanent space inside the provincial museum of Granma, Manuel Muñoz Cedeño.

The fundamental motivation of the collection, in which dozens of paintings, drawings and three three-dimensional pieces appear, is the figure of the rooster, symbol of the traditions of the Cuban field.

Ever Fonseca who received a recognition in all the participant artists' representation in the opening of the exhibition, highlighted that the idea was conceived by the UNEAC and the CDR, those which, by means of the project The Rooster of the Revolution, seek to take to diverse places of the country the art of the Cuban cultural vanguard.

Previously several of the creators participated in the inauguration of a similar exhibition that, with other 50 works, was open permanently in the Museum of Fights Peasants, in the remote community of The Banana, in the municipality of Pylon.

This last sample was born of a convocation carried out in the Cuban capital for works of small format. At the begining it was presented in March, in the Memorial José Martí, and after an itinerant journey had like final destination The Banana, terroir of the Commandant of the Revolution Guillermo García Frias.

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