jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

FULLNESS: To fall in love causes addictive chemical reactions

By:Doris Hernández Fernández

To be in love is identified with the passion, it constitutes an emotional state marked by the happiness and the satisfaction of finding another person able to understand and to share the life.

However, it is a less romantic process from the biochemical point of view, because it is a process that begins in the cerebral bark, passes to the endocrine system and becomes physiologic answers.

Some investigations indicate that in the childhood, between the five and the eight years, the cerebral molds are already developed that determine with who we fall in love.

For it, often the arrow arises with similar people along a lifetime.
So thatto be in love takes place, should have agreement of interest among two people and that memories of other moments of attraction arise, José Luis explains to González de Rivera, boss of Psychiatry in the Foundation Jiménez Díaz, of Madrid.

This is explained in that cause addictive chemical reactions when being fallen in love, like with the drugs, and the indifference produces the terrible syndrome of abstinence, characterized by the suffering.

The women emit feromons when ovulating, as other females of animals. They are inodors hormones but that the men perceive.

Other investigators have demonstrated that, on the other hand, the women detect the complex of more histocompatibiblity (CHM) of the immune system, some genes that produce different scents, and they feel bigger attraction for the males with a CHM different to the own one.

When it is opposing the most attractive person, the nervous system starts and takes place a feniletilamin discharge, a made up of the family of the amphetamine and the passion loosens.

She is the responsible of producing the excitement, the one that makes that the dopamin takes place that is the neurotransmisor related with the pleasure and the recompense, according to David Vegetable gardens, psychiatrist of the Hospital of Guadalajara, Mexico.

The testosterone is another hormone in active.There has been discovered that it generates sexual desire in the women, in which it acts as an afrodisíaco that could receive from the masculine couple's kisses.

To know what areas of the brain light for love the functional magnetic resonances and the positrons tomography are.

In accordance with Helen Fisher, are the areas affected by the dopamina (that takes place in the ventral tegmental area and it is liberated in the nucleus accumbens and the front bark) those that put on to the red live, as well as the septum of the women, an area where the emotions are located , and the visual bark in the men, where the beauty is appreciated.

Other investigations checked that, also, the front córtex is inhibited, where it resides the rationality and the critical sense regarding the couple. Here the explanation of the madness of the love is.
Once passing the passion that lasts months, other areas begin to work, the vital in the durable relationships. This explains that a stable relationship can turns surprised by an accidental adventure.

There is another variable, in some cases doesn't arrive to the second phase, and with the passion all the attraction disappears.

Anyway, being in love is furrowed by the emotion.

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