viernes, 30 de enero de 2009

Guantanamo must be Returned to Cuba, urged Paraguay and Venezuela

HAVANA, Cuba, Jan 29.Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his Paraguayan counterpart Fernando Lugo today demanded, in Brazil, the immediate return to Cuba of Guantanamo bay, a territory occupied by the United States against the will of the Cuban people.

Addressing participants at the World Social Forum, underway in the Brazilian city of Belem, President Hugo Chavez said that after the White House decision to shut down the prison camp, Washington must return the occupied territory to Cuba, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile Fernando Lugo recalled that Guantanamo is part of Cuban soil and it should be returned to the free people of Cuba who, for the past 50 years have proven that no power on the Earth can bend them.

The Paraguayan President praised the Cuban Revolution’s history and dubbed as poor the decisions taken by the US president regarding Guantanamo Bay, reported Prensa Latina news agency.

The debates at the World social Forum will run till next Sunday and are being attended by some 100,000 people from 150 countries.

The meeting analyzes the deplorable ecological situation of the planet, as well as other topics like the world food, economic and financial crisis from a different perspective from the positions expressed by the big powers at the Forum of Davos, held in Switzerland.

(Chávez y Lugo: devolver a Cuba suelo ilegalmente ocupado)

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