miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

Work in development of copies equine pure blood

Por:Alejandro Rodríguez

Camagüey, Jan 21. The reproduction work and it raises of genetic copies of equine, starting from the attention and cares of animals pure blood, it is developed by The Company for the Flora Protection and the Fauna of Camagüey.

Several facilities in the county work with that objective, as the San Vicente Ranch , in the municipality of Jimaguayú, the bigger of Cuba in the breeding of horses of the Arab race, the San José, in Sibanicú, The Amelita, in Guáimaro and that of The Nativity, in Najasa.

The digital site of Radio Cadena Agramonte that in the pastizals and blocks of these properties the development of diverse races is assisted, as Arabic, Patibarcino, Morgan, Creole of Trot, Paint Cuban, Apaluza and Pony.

At the present time, add thousands the copies of these animals of high genetic value, dedicated fundamentally to the preservation of the races, their multiplication and in a future to their commercialization inside of and outside of the country.

The dedication of its workers stands out in the attention to the copies, mainly to the sires, horses of very high value in the market, but that in Cuba are dedicated to preserve the equine species.

Among the animals pure blood, with which one works in this branch of the cattle raising, are the horse Breaks Wind, only sire in the country of the race Morgan; Monte Rey, the father of the Creoles in Cuba mount, already with 30 years, and Marajá, son of Rohara Renuir, one of the most renowned Arab copies nationally.

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