lunes, 2 de febrero de 2009

Camagüey: Reward to the past, challenge to the present and the future

Special connotation acquires for the people of Camagüey this February 2, day of celebrations that we dedicate to one of the first seven villages that the Spaniards were founded in the island; favorable moment to meditate about the commitment and the civic responsibility before our past, present and future.

Beyond the exact historical fact, concerning the birth of Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe, the really transcendent thing in these almost five centuries of existence, it is the contribution of each generation to the Cuban nationality, in terms of history and culture.

It was recognized in this way recently by the Organization of the United Nations for the Education, the Science and the Culture, UNESCO that granted to the oldest segment in the City the condition of Area Patrimony of the Humanity, category that, in an official way, we receive with the current one onomastic.

To deserve it constitutes fair recognition to all those that come prosecuting part of the efforts of the territory toward the renovation of the work bequeathed for who preceded us.

Highlight special in this zeal for the specialists of the Historian's Office who have rescued the most autochthonous in the town, preserving a patrimonial group that transcends as only in multiple senses.

And it is that the evolution, development and consolidation of a very particular cultural process in the Camagüey, are alive in the idiosyncrasy of their inhabitants and in the enrichment of their environment.

The historical memory with which we cohabit implies a challenge for who we reside in this portion of the Cuban geography then. To assume it, means to become beings aware of the values of the place that we inhabit.

The convocation overflows commemorative dates, and it demands from each local resident a coherent behavior with the space that frames it, essential component of a citadine culture even insufficient .

What we were and what we are in 495 years is already written. It is to consist, that what from now on are able to make, this lasting chain that the impermanence of the same existence transcends continuing.

Who today we store that legacy, we are called to preserve the essences of this city that it grows for yes, and for the Humanity.

Happy Anniversary, Camagüey!

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