martes, 17 de febrero de 2009

Panamanian President Acknowledges Cuba's Solidarity

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 17 . Martin Torrijos, President of Panama, praised Cuban solidarity by saying that the Caribbean nation doesn't give what it has in excess, but shares what it has.

During the granting ceremony of scholarships to 82 Panamanian youngsters to study Medicine in Cuba, Torrijos pointed out that the number of people helped by these scholarships is close to 600, reported Prensa Latina news agency.

The Panamanian President also mentioned the positive outcome of the eye surgery program, Operation Miracle, which has benefited some 37,000 Panamanians to improve their sight thanks to this humane project.

"We are sure that Cuba shares the goal of Panama with more social justice, since we agree on the principle of a more sharing society" said Torrijos.

(Reconoce Presidente panameño solidaridad de Cuba)

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