jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

Cuban Films in Qatar's Documentary Festival

Cuba will present one short and three medium- feature films at the 5th International Documentary Festival of Al Jazeera, which will take place in Doha, Qatar next week.

Short-feature movie Historias entre Ciclones (Histories between Cyclones) by young filmmakers Ariel Prieto-Solis and Esteban Rios Rivera, will compete on its corresponding category in the event that will run from April 13 to 16, reported Granma on its website.

Omar Olazábal, Cuban artist and member of the Festival's jury, said that the other two films will be screened out of the competition. These are El Mérito es estar Vivo (The merit of being alive), by Otto Miguel Guzman, and Destinos (Destinies), by Guillermo Centeno.

Produced by Estudios Mundo Latino, El Merito... deals with the murder attempts against Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro.

Likewise, "Destinos", produced by the Cuban Institute of Art and Film Industry (ICAIC), talks about the life of international students graduated in Cuba after they return to their respective countries.

Olazábal said Historias entre Ciclones is an exceptional testimony of people's experiences on hurricanes Ike and Gustav, which hit the island last year.

Cuba will compete for the Al Jazeera Golden Prize in the medium-feature films category with "Volveré y seremos millones" (I will come back and we'll be millions), "Una Isla entre dos Imperios" (An island between two empires), "Camino al Desastre" (Road to disaster), and "Asediados por huracanes" (Besieged by hurricanes).

(Participará Cuba en festival de Cine Documental en Qatar)

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