sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Cuban Vaccines against Asthma Prove very Effective

HAVANA, Cuba, April 24 (acn) After more than a decade of research, Cuban scientists announced that three vaccines to treat asthma have proven very effective; the information was released during the 2nd Ibero-American Encounter on Allergy Research, which wound up today in Varadero, Matanzas province.

Doctor Alexis Labrada, an expert with the Cuban Bio-Preparations Center (BIOCEN) told the Cuban News Agency that the vaccines, known as VALERGEN, have been registered and introduced in the Cuban health care system. The treatment with the medication has achieved lasting effects of between five and 10 years in asthmatic patients, and it is being applied in all allergy services throughout the country.

The vaccines are being administered on patients who show early and light clinical asthma symptoms, and they have contributed to the reduction in the use of medications, unlike other symptomatic treatment currently being applied.

The progressive introduction of VALERGEN was prioritized for allergy services in Cuban hospitals and polyclinics, while its offer to other countries interested in getting the vaccines is currently under consideration, said the scientist.

One of the main immediate goals of BIOCEN is that of achieving vaccination by means of sublingual medicine drops, which would have a favorable impact on patients, said Doctor Raul L. Castro, another expert with the Cuban scientific institution.

(Exponen eficacia de vacunas cubanas contra el asma)

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