miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Recovery is to think, and of course, to act

by: Ernesto Pantaleón Medina / Television Camagüey

Before the last of the two hurricanes that last year whipped with matter it forces to the county of Camagüey, in the Unit of Poultry Beginning belonging to the selfsupply system and several productions of the Rice Complex “Ruta Invasora”, of the south of the territory 27 000 animals existed, and of them some l5 perished 000, while the roofs of all the ships disappeared or they were in very bad state.

But to only some few months of that atmospheric calamity, all the facilities have their complete covers, and this time reinforced with bars of steel soldiers, to resist the strongest winds. The number of birds, on the other hand, already surpasses the l7 000 and the growth continues.

The damage of the meteors was bigger since in this unit the chickens are raised since one day of born up to 42, moment in that move toward the development centers, of agreement with its purpose is already of it feeds or egg-laying, and even the hens of double purpose, more rustic and more resistant, but that they produce a good quantity of postures.

According to Félix Sánchez, the administrator, the reaction of the community went immediate when the strong winds that destroyed the l2 ships taking place with which it counts the center. Only in that way could rescue and to save some l2 000 animals that already grow in different territories.

He adds that it is purpose this year to give l00 000 birds, without counting the well-known species as guinea hen whose raises it is already traditional and whose postures take place in the farm “The paradise”, to about 4 kilometers, since where are taken to the incubation plants. Of these last ones, when being born, those “guineítos” are brought to the beginning center, and after some weeks, they meet with their progenitors. Of this poultry variety you plan this year about 200 000 births.

Pedro, the administrator of “The Paradise”, remembers that when the hurricanes died thousands of birds there, mainly guinea hens, turkeys and egg-laying, but are already under conditions of to assume the new commitments and to grow, until completing the 60 000 animals.

Héctor Hernández Limia, the boss of the Unit of Several Productions that is responsible for among other, the sphere of the seolfsupply of the entity, assures that with people like the 500 workers to who he directs, there is not hurricane that defeats them, and he adds that with people this way, the “Paradise”, it is not so unreachable.

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