jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Children of Camagüey will take place World Day of the Environment

Camagüey. The provincial contest " Green Concience", of drawing, story and infantile poetry, incorporates to the actions in the territory of Camagüey, tend to greet the celebration of the World Day of the Environment, next June five.

Favored by the Cuban Association of Agricultural and Forest Technicians; Pioneer José Martí Organization (OPJM) and the delegation of the CITMA in the territory-among other dependences - has as motto "Seed in your life a tree."

The objective of the contest, is to sensitize to the new generations in the importance of the production and consumption of vegetables, vegetables, fruits and fresh condiments. Also to create values of environmental conservation, the love to the earth and the vocational formation for an agriculture-ecological culture.

The Competition seeks to expand the infantile and juvenile cosmovision, by means of works centered in thematic as the protection of the plants and the floors and the contribution to the society from the urban agriculture. (Yolanda Ferrera Sosa)

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