lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

Sustainable develop in archipelago Savanna-Camagüey

Works for a sustainable development of the tourism, the fishing and the agroforestalsector, are materialized in Villa Clara, result of more than a decade of investigations in the archipelago Savanna-Camagüey.

The creation of a farm for the breeding of sponges in Caibarién starting from an experience in the coastal area of Carahatas, is a above-mentioned sample in the marine-coastal area.
That center will work with a technology that doesn't affect to the means, it reduces the costs, and guarantees employments and the extraction of an exportable item.

The program of sustainable development also contemplates the recovery of an arable area, previously used for the cane seed and now dedicated to the agricultural production in general, where a nursery is believed that will contribute to the reforestation of the hidrografic basin of the river Sagua la Grande.

Edelkis Rodríguez, specialist of the Center of Studies and Environmental Services (CESAM), said to the AIN that began the third stage of a project begun in 1993 in the current year, guided to the protection of the biodiversity in the ecosystem of the north center of Cuba.

The scientific investigation, cofinanced by the World Fund of Environment (GEF), the Program of United Nations for the Development (UNDP) and the government of Cuba, they point toward the harmonic exploitation of the natural resources.

The project Savanna-Camagüey embraces a surface of 75 thousand square kilometers of five counties of the Cuban center that includes the not very deep marine platform and more than two thousand 500 keys. (Luz María Martínez Zelada)

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