miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

Uruguayans Get a Taste of Cuban Documentaries

HAVANA, Cuba. Cuban documentary screenings are underway this week at Politeama Theater, in the Uruguayan city of Canelones, 45 kilometers north of Montevideo.

The inaugural ceremony included the exhibition of "El mérito es estar Vivo" (The merit is being alive), on the plans of the US Central Intelligence Agency to assassinate revolutionary leader Fidel Castro and overthrow the Revolution, Granma newspaper reports on its web site.

Presentations will include "Entre el arte y la cultura" (Between art and culture), which by way of music, dance, painting and debate, offers a panorama on racial mingling in Cuba.

Scheduled for Thursday is the screening of "Un lugar llamado Guantánamo" ) A place called Guantanamo), on that illegally occupied part of Cuban territory that that became internationally notorious when the tortures applied by the US government to war prisoners became known.

The week of exhibitions will close on Friday with "El proceso" (The process), about the biased trial and sentencing of the Cuban Five in the United States in 1998 for their monitoring the activities of Florida- based terrorist groups, which planned and conducted criminal actions
against Cuba.

The last day of activities will also include a round table on Cuba's struggles and realities throughout the Revolution, to the 50th anniversary of which the documentary festival is precisely dedicated.

(Cine documental cubano esta semana en Uruguay)

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