viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

The recovery for the hurricanes stays in Camagüey

It was quick the recovery of intensive cultivations, but in the case of the viands diverse confronted problems caused that Camagüey continues receiving contributions of other counties.

The second semester of the 2008 will be unforgettable for the current generations of residents of Camagüey for the impact of two potent hurricanes and the way decided in that faced the considerable material damages, although without regretting the loss of human lives.

In the night September 8th, little more than one week after the meteor Gustav was enraged with Isla de la Juventud and Pinar del ´Río, the "Ike" entered for the east of the county of Camagüey after hitting later at Holguín and Las Tunas, and seven hours left for the Southwest to the Caribbean Sea.

Lapsed two months, the "Paloma" penetrated violently for the south of the territory, but at once it began to weaken and to leave abundant rain. However, it caused a lot of suggestions in Santa Cruz del Sur and it damaged some 500 housings of fishermen residents in the coast. More than five thousand houses were affected in the whole municipality in that occasion.

In less than three months Cuba had losses valued in more than 10 thousand million dollars, and Camagüey reported a considerable part of them.

After the step of Ike, September 8th, immediately began to arrive resources of the reservation of the State, apart from donations of diverse countries and organizations, action that has stayed.

The main affectation registered the net of electric and phone service and in the residence bottom.

"Ike" harmed more than 100 thousand houses those that added those of "Paloma" and other previous meteorological events, as severe floods in the city of Camagüey, arrived to the figure of 118 thousand 641, from having destroyed until partially affected.

Thre also suffered the damages above the two thousand facilities, mainly educational, of the health and commercial, without including those of the agricultural spheres and sugar bowl.

Of the economic activity the poultry keeping suffered the biggest blow maybe with the loss of 18 percent of the birds by production of eggs, and 15 percent of those of the substitution, besides dozens of destroyed ships or dismantled.

This sector represents, however, the sample of the recovery in the economic sphere, and at this time accumulates more than 65 million eggs, around 60 percent of the annual plan.

The workers of the branch intended to shorten the terms to recover near production levels to the commitments and almost they get it fully.

It was quick the recovery of intensive cultivations in orchards and organoponics, but in the case of the viands (banana, yucca, sweet potato, malanga and other) diverse confronted problems caused that Camagüey continues receiving contributions of other territories of the country in these agricultural items.

With the support of personal of several counties, the electric interruptions and of the communications were solved in some days, the same as the service of supply of drinkable water.

Still without recovering completely, Camagüey advanced from the blow of the "Paloma" and predicts important increments in the productions of milk, pig meat, number of copies of smaller livestock, fishes acuícol and marinates, among other fronts of the economy.

One year after the impact of the "Ike", Camagüey recovered 45 percent of the damaged housings, built many of them totally, and it continues working in the rehabilitation and construction.

The topic of more weight continues being that of the housing, but the works don't stop and every day properties end or the repairs are begun with resources that flow regularly.

When the current school course began, of the 643 schools affected by the hurricanes 131 had not only been still completely repaired, although the educational calendar began in the universe of facilities in the county.

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