The economic topic was appropriately debated
With a round table about the capitalist world crisis, its impact in Camagüey and the paper that the journalists of this territory should carry out before that phenomenon, gave beginning the Eighth Festival of the Written Press in the region of Camagüey.
Panelists of the provincial school of the Party "Cándido González Morales" and of the National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba, meditated on the causes of the disastrous event, characteristic of the capitalism, their comparison with the crisis of 1929 and the importance of maintaining informed to the town in the order of the necessary saving, productivity and efficiency in each work position.
In the first day of the Festival an exhibition of plastic arts was inaugurated Adelante in the weekly publication, where a representation of artists of the yard exposed their works.
In a same way, it was carried out the opportune encounter with the readers, valid so that hard-working, professors and students of the schools to militate "Camilo Cienfuegos" and provincial of the Party and the community of the Alimentary company Camagüey, poured their opinions around all of positive and negative observe in that publication.
Journalists and readers coincided in the necessity of cultivating even more the inmediatness, investigation, opinion journalism, to approach thematic inherent to the youths and to reflect the history consequently, mainly, the provincial one.
The Eighth Festival of the Written press in Camagüey will continue with workshops about the Cuban journalism, analysis of the speech of the President Raúl Castro, pensioners' of the newspaper Adelante experiences and traveled by communities of Sierra de Cubitas, to exchange with the readers of that region, fundamentally those of Pozo de Vilató.
Eduardo Labrada, president of the Union of Journalists of Cuba in the weekly publication of Camagüey pointed out that they have been carried out voluntary works, homages to the Teacher and there will be an exchange of experiences with the sister's county of Holguín professionals.
"This year we are under conditions of to occupy a place of vanguard in the Ninth National Festival and to demonstrate the seriousness and the love there with which we are working the revolutionary journalism in our publication"
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