lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Let us toast for… the respect

By:Ernesto Pantaleón Medina\Televisión Camagüey

To say carajo! it is not something excessively serious, although it attempts against the strictest norms in the formal education, and ahead of time I apologize for the interjection that could seem inappropriate, but that yes I consider indispensable to introduce the topic.

Because What you would say if when nailing a nail in a wall the hammer it hits with concentrated force on it thumb?

Let us imagine: "Oh… it seems that this inopportune and inconsiderate hammer has been flattened a finger… "

That is a story, my friend, because to the pain scream would be happened I don't know how many swearwords.

Would it be more than justified the insult truth?

But what it cannot tolerate (and it is responsibility of all) it is the proliferation of foolishness, lacks of respect, attacks to the chastity and…like call them some idelicaly: grossness that muddle our family life and the daily coexistence in the street, the work, or in any place.

It is that you are in the room of your house, seeing TV; go a musical program by the screen and him less than the singer says is that grabs a woman, and she makes him such or more which sews that she will respond making this or the other thing, and that if doesn't leave well "there you leave, bandit that you deserve that they make you… "

Everything accompanied by dances and expressions that would make blush the owner of a medieval tavern.

Then you should change channel, or to turn off the tele, alone because a bad-mannered is believed with the right of offending their good customs, with the consent (of what another form could be) of those that record or transmit such performances.

Another example: some youths traffic down the street without shirt, in shorts and each other are pursued, swearwords are screamed and attack to the environment, without anything neither nobody impedes it to him.

The call is that each one makes be worth the reason and demand the most elementary respect that the meditation, the moderation, the chastity and the good examples prevail. We will only then protect the intimate rights of the family, as fundamental cell of the society, anything of that which is quarreled with the happiness and the overflowing vitality of the years waiters.

Of sure, at the end, we would have a good musical repertoire to bequeath to the generations to come that would be kind, correct, courteous, and in the coexistence of every day, we would achieve a balance that would make our traffic for the most pleasant life for all.

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