miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009

New investigative projects of the Meteorological Center of Camagüey

The culmination of 14 investigative projects stands out among the main results that to the closing of this year, registers the Provincial Meteorological Center in Camagüey.

Dositeo García Bargado, director of that scientific institution, highlighted that each one of those achievements contributes somehow to the production of foods like the System of Alert Early of the Drought; used fundamentally in the Agriculture.

As part of its social object that center also takes charge of the surveillance of the climate and emits watchful and evaluations of the behavior of the variables of temperature and humidity, with high percent of guessed right presage.

In the current calendar investigators of Camagüey guaranteed, also, the operation of the net of meteorological radars of the country and the studies continued for the artificial increment of the rain, like one in the ways of fighting against the drought.

Another result of the Meteorological Center of Camagüey to the closing of the 2009, are the satisfactory march of the career of Meteorology, and the superation of the professionals of that community that are formed like Doctors and Másters in Sciences. (Yamylé Fernández Rodríguez)

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