martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

The five against the terrorism and the injustice

By: Ernesto Pantaleón Medina/Televisión Camagüey

What would you make if you knew that very near your country, to use l40 kilometers of distance exist an enemy that (has demonstrated with amply)has the obsessive idea of attacking you, to subject it, and to make matters worse, to request three days of "does it license to kill?"

An immediate answer could be to arm with canyons and with fair rage, although not with hate and to rush to a war without barracks that would be always of terrible consequences.

But not the fear, but the good sense, the wisdom and the desire of peace that distinguishes those that believe, loves and build, not to the other ones, advise to prevent more than to fight.

Then, the most logical thing would be to try to be to the point, informed of the potential aggressor's movements, to stop the blow and to avoid the consequences of an attack as much as possible; in other words, to look after the life of his, for the integrity of their country.

What did they make, if not before exposed, five Cubans that worked to safeguard their homeland from the same center of the conspiracy contrarrevolutionary of Miami?

How North American felt their life in risk due to Gerardo, Antonio, René, Ramón and Fernando`work?

What secret of State the five fighters spied against the terrorism?
Because in fact that, fighters against the terrorism, are who avoid that explosive loads are detonated in hotels and other public places that puts on in risk the life of people's thousands and be organized the murder of a president like Fidel that it has put the light in the pupils of millions of having deprived, when sending thousands doctors and teachers to poor nations.

It is not lazy to remember that, from the territory of United States dozens of plans were forged that could cause (and in some cases caused) the death of human beings unaware to the conflict with the counterrevolution of Miami.
Small crime that of the five: to defend without violence to their homeland of a group of murderers, from the own burrow of the monster. Not to abandon, neither to sell the uthopy of a fairrer world.

Maybe the justice, so taken and conduction in that country that gave many fair men, but that it rocks today so much ignominy, be ignored an and another time, and be to close the eyes and hearings of the international opinion.

But the world looks and thinks, and every day the back grows to a cause that has become flag for the peace and the honor that rises beyond the walls that try to hide the heroism and the right that grant the truth and the reason.

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