With its more than 200 apartments, in the municipality of Santa Cruz del Sur, whipped by the hurricane Paloma, it is a sample of the efficiency that can be reached in the constructions.The community 50 Anniversary of the Victory of the Revolution was officially inaugurated this Saturday in Santa Cruz del Sur, territory strongly hit by the hurricane Paloma.
The member of the Political Desk of the Central Committee of the Party and vice minister of the FAR, general of body of Army, Ramón Espinosa Martin, presided over the cultural political act for the delivery from the housings to families damaged by the hurricane.
In journey made by the community, with 56 completely new buildings, the also Hero of the Republic of Cuba, meant as the task assigned by the General of Army, Raúl Castro Ruz, was completed in brief time and with quality.
To supply the community, an organoponic of two hectares was built, with semiprotected technology , in which 280 stonemasons got up for the production of vegetables and vegetables. They also have a hectare of fruit-bearing. Since the productive process began 27,2 tons of fresh products of twelve varieties have already been marketed.
Espinosa Martin aimed that this community is an example that demonstrates that when they are wanted to make the things well, one can make, even in reasonable and brief time, as need it the town and the damaged families.
He commented, also that in spite of the problems with the resources that it faces the country, consequence of the economic crisis that is developed in the world, the desire was imposed of making and the sacrifice and the combatants' of the Ministry of the Interior effort (MININT), of the Revolutionary Armed forces (FAR), and of the town of Santa Cruz.
He affirmed that the new town is a sample that the Revolution doesn't abandon to its town and that this makes an effort to solve the most urgent problems, consequence of the embates of climatological phenomena.
«One works in all the counties of the country and in the areas more affected as Pinar del Río that was impacted by two phenomena previous to Paloma».
He considered of extraordinary the efforts that are carried out for the maximum address of the country, for the different addresses in each territory and for the town to face the problems that have brought the atmospheric events: «We trust the Cuban town, in its fight capacity and in the Revolution».
He valued that it is still necessary to continue working and building: Not everything is made neither everything can be solved at the same time. To this municipality and Camagüey, for example, he lacks them to solve affectations, but without a doubt that made is an advance that tells us that there is hope, will, and that what lacks will solve, he pointed.
He congratulated to the southern town and the people of Camagüey for that made, to the FAR and the MININT for the unconditional support, and recognized to all the organisms that participated in the construction of the community next to the combatants.
Espinosa who was here from Paloma's first winds, informed that the country works in two main addresses to face similar future events: in the warning plans, evacuation and the population's protection, and this way to avoid lost human and to reduce the economic impacts, and the construction of resistant constructions to the winds and far from the vulnerable places to penetrations of the sea and floods.
«In Guayabal and in Santa Cruz del Sur the penetration of the sea is it that more has affected the population and for that reason all that is made should be made this way», he insisted.
It meant as the continuous country getting ready, even for the possible occurrence of earthquakes and of tsunamis: «We cannot hope one arrives; from now on everything should become retired of coastal areas and lower», he concluded.
A prettier Santa Cruz.
At once of inauguration of the new town was read and given, for the boss of the Oriental Army, general of division Onelio Aguilera Bermúdez, the letter that officialized the delivery of housings to the damaged families, to Julio Cesar García Rodríguez, member of the Central Committee and first secretary of the Party in the county.
García Rodríguez informed that this community welcomes in its 280 apartments at hundred of residents of the neighborhood of The Beach, practically missing after Paloma's step.
He stood out that the municipality resurged much more beautiful, just as the President of the Council of State and of Secretaries, General of Army Raúl Castro, in his visit after the tragic meteorological event.
The directing of Camagüey highlighted that in this development area, place where are located the new housings, moved
185 000 cubic meters of earth, melted some 1 300 of concrete, 20 cisterns, 12 000 contenes meters and sidewalks were built, and 3 700 tons of asphalt were used in the pavimentation.
He reaffirmed like in Santa Cruz del Sur, in spite of the integral recovery, the challenges are bigger, and that demand from all to work hard, with organization and it disciplines.
One of the beneficiaries with the new housings, Milayda Pons Cardoso, in the neighbors' of the community representation, said to be thanked by the gift of the Revolution and committed to take care of what so much sacrifice has cost to the country.
The colonel of the Reservation, Mauro Espinosa Yero who was to the front of the contingent 50 Anniversary of the Revolution, integrated by combatants of the FAR and the MININT, explained like during the 14 months of uninterrupted work the personal and collective effort, and the firm decision prevailed in each one of the members of fulfilling the task assigned by the General of Army, Raúl Castro Ruz.
In the activity recognitions were given to all the organisms of the territory that supported the construction of the comfortable establishment.
There also participated, the division generals José Carrillo and Romárico Sotomayor, bosses of the political addresses of the FAR and the MININT, respectively, and the partner José A. Valeriano, boss of Department of the Central Committee of the Party.
This county had 10 210 affectations to the step of the hurricanes Paloma and Ike, calculates that it represents 58 percent of the residence bottom of the territory. Of these 6 353 are already recovered, what represents 62 percent. Yahily Hernández Porto
(Taken of Juventud Rebelde)