martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Apply in Camagüey successful surgical proceed to treat the hidrocefaly

This to proceed surgical allows to save resources, time, medications for the postoperative one and to reduce the index of complications.

A positive recovery the five patients register tried by affections of the central nervous system by means of the surgery of minimum access with aid of the video, in the pediatric hospital "Eduardo Agramonte Piña", of this city.

Applied against the hidrocefaly, the interventions correspond to a technology of advanced of neurosurgery, very expensive and characteristic of highly developed countries.

Yaima Torres Sanabria, the most recent of those operated up to 22 of the current month, already received the high of the hospital.

The doctor Isael Olazábal, boss of the surgical community, specified that the procedure has been used in patient with ages from the four months until the 15 years.

Olazábal underlined the case of Elianis Samón, operated to the four months of life.

The hidrocefaly can cause the death and causes, among other anomalies, migraines, vomits, dysfunctions of the conscience, difficulties to eat; and in the childhood, a disproportionate increase of the size of the head.

That illness is potentially an increment serious of the volume of the cefalorraquídeo liquid inside the ventricles of the brain.

The referred operative method substitutes to the conventional one to annul the affection, and it appeals to a device that contains the instrumental of surgery and the video microcamera and a source of light to visualize the images in a monitor.

The reduction of the risks and of the time of convalescence figure among the advantages of the employment of the minimum access with the support of the video, effective in Camagüey in spheres like the neurosurgery, orthopedics, general surgery and gastroenterology. (Adolfo Silva Silva / AIN).

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