jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Surrender homage to José Martí in Camagüey

Poems and songs, in the voices of those who are the hope of the world, tinged the homage to José Martí, National Hero of the Republic of Cuba in the anniversary 115 of his fall in combat in Two Ríos, in the current county of Granma.

In the park that takes his name in the provincial capital and in presence of the Commandant Faure Chomón Mediavilla, Deputy to the National Assembly of the Popular Power for Camagüey and Julio Cesar García, Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the territory, the distinction "Virtues Martianas. " was given.

Granted by the Union of Communist Youths and the Juvenile Movement dedicated to the Apostle, the recognition relapsed among others in students of the secondary education, stocking and superior, professors, workers of the health and combatants of the Revolutionary Armed forces who stand out for their revolutionary trajectory, their responsibility and their incondicionality before the study, the work and the defense of the Homeland. (Mariela Peña Seguí)

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