miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Generalizes in Camagüey investigations related with the educational process

Those proven results of the county in all the teachings this Tuesday were exposed in the Provincial workshop of Generalization in the educational sector, event that was developed in Computer science's Polytechnician "Maximum Gómez Báez", of the capital of Camagüey.

The contest, preceded by similar events in the municipalities during the months of April and May, valued for specialties 90 investigations related with the learning of the maternal language, the History, and the Exact Sciences.

Studies were also presented on the formation of values, the Environmental Education and the preventive-corrective work.

The realization of the Provincial workshop of Generalization in the educational sector sinks to the actions of preparation of the next course in the county of Camagüey, calendar that constitutes a challenge for teachers and students in the zeal of perfecting the educational educational process. (Aramis González Cruz)

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