miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Vacationers will enjoy the champing in Camagüey

About 12 thousand vacationers will enjoy in the months of July and August, of the options of the Popular Champing in the seven units of this type of the county of Camagüey.

The summery season will have better comfort and lodging service in The Carnations, of the municipality head, subjected to a rehabilitation process, and in The Barbecue, located in Sibanicú, where the construction of a pool ends.

Mayelín Martin Pérez, vicedirector of Exploitation and Development of the Provincial Company of Champing, informed that the training of each of the workers is primordial to achieve an excellence service that favors the client's satisfaction.

Battle of Saratoga, in the municipality of Jimaguayú - and desolated by the step of the hurricane Ike in the year 2008 -, is reinstated with its repaired facilities and a new pool.

Monte Oscuro, Punta de Ganado, The Palms and Los Cangilones, also sink to the summer plan, the last one with visit service, not of lodging.

Among the proposals of these recreation centers walks, calculation rooms and video are included, infantile parks, walks to horse, and rent of games and nautical means.

They are, also, the offers of cafeterias and restaurants in national currency, and of stores with products marketed in convertible pesos.
Most of the 169 existent cabins in Camagüey are equipped with fans, and have television, except those where the audiovisual sign doesn't arrive. (Yaniuska Macías Rivero/Taken from National Granma).

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