miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Camagüey, Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity

By: Noel Manzanares Blanco / Television Camagüey

Just one day like today, the Committee of the World Patrimony of the UNESCO, gathered in the Canadian city of Québec in the mark of its XXXII has found yearly for a couple of years, decided that the historical center of Camagüey, Cuba, obtained the condition of Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity.

The reason of this high distinction granted to the extraordinary poet's cradle Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda and of the National Poet of Cuba Nicolás Guillén, is synthesized in the document “Exceptional Universal Value.

Historical Urban Center of Camagüey like ‘Patrimony of the Humanity '. Camagüey 2008”, located in Web Site of the Office of the Historian of the City [www.ohcamaguey.co.cu]. There it is read:

“In the Historical Center of Camagüey is corroborated, with singular connotation, the persistence of attributes and qualities that trafficking for the different historical periods, have acquired a true character of authenticity, making recognizable inside the system of colonial cities of Cuba and the region of the Caribbean.”

Next, stand out the most outstanding and representative values that identify the exceptional and universal character of the defined area, with the following features:

* The irregularity of the plot urban foundational that generates a wide system of squares and little squares, transforms the area into an unique case in Cuba and the continent, probably caused by a slow growth of two centuries and a very marked lack of urban control.

* The urban structuring of the area is characterized by the church and the square like nucleus; where the tower of the temple constitutes the landmark of the neighborhood or congregation that stands out on the rest of the village of low and lineal profile; for what the appellative has been won of “city of the Churches.”

* The proposed area maintains a great unit, inside a wide diversity and variety of types and architectural styles. The juxtaposition of the different constructive stages, grants visual integrity, cohesion and authenticity from the architectural point of view; while the narrow streets and of curvilinear layout and the spaces in multiple ways make from the urban point of view.

* The mud, local material, used for the elaboration of construction bricks, tiles, floors, earthenjar and more contemporarily works of art, grants a characteristic color to the volumetry and atmosphere of the group. The earthenjar use, resemblances to the Andalusianses and placed in the patios, have allowed recepcion the rain water and have made call the “city of the earthenjar.”

* The vegetation is an element that has great presence, contrary to other Historical Centers; in the yards of the houses, in urban spaces and open spaces (Country Casino), overalls if the group is observed from certain height.

* The different types of patrimonies: cultural and natural; tangible and intangible; piece of furniture and property, and the recovery of customs and traditions that are reflected in the alive culture give to the combined identity and authenticity.

If to the above-mentioned and other values are added customs and traditions that are reflected in the alive and authentic culture and in their rich History, it is understood better than the grant lacked chance to the urban historical center of Camagüey the condition of Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity. To maintain such a reward, there is the challenge here.

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