jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Labor Estres causes exhaustion

One of the environments in the one that the human being more moves is the labor one and is in many occasions a great estres generator.

The main symptoms are exhaustion, restlessness, sensation of being in tension, tires, difficulty to concentrate and alteration of the dream.

The exhaustion caused by the estres constitutes a process that is defined like a sensation of deterioration and progressive fatigue, with eventual energy loss. In general accompanies it a marked motivation lack.

The symptoms are manifested at physical level as alterations of the dream, excessive tires, gastrointestinal dysfunctions, back pains and of head, different reactions in the skin or vague heart pains, to those that the person doesn't find them explanation.

According to the specialists, some professions for their own nature are estres source and anxiety.

The professionals of the arts and the shows, as musicians, actors and dancers that work in public, face the anxiety before and during the performance.

Among the general recommendations that are made to apply individually figure to establish priorities, to delegate tasks and to request help.

It is also advisable to share the thoughts and to communicate the concerns, to develop interests unaware to the work, to enjoy the free time and to exercise physical.

In certain cases it can be necessary the medication to treat a case of serious anxiety. In this respect should take into account that as much the antidepressants as the ansiolitics can only be prescribed by a doctor. ( Doris Hernández, AIN)

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