jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

Condolences in Camagüey for lost of Lucius Walker

Camagüey, Sep 16- In posthumous homage to the reverend Lucius Walker, was opened a book of condolences in this city for his death, people of Camagüey and foreigners express their pain for the loss of the unconditional friend of Cuba.

Leader of the movement of Shepherds for the Peace, indefatigable fighter for the freedom of the Five antiterrorist Heroes and against the blockade, Walker extended his pacifist and humanitarian work to other countries of Latin America and África, where left a print of solidarity and deep ethical values.

Diverse people and institutions manifested the condolence among those that the members of the Council of the Administration of the Provincial Assembly of the Popular Power figure, representatives of the Council of Churches of Cuba, of the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution and of the cultural sector, informed digital Radio Cadena Agramonte.

“With Lucius Walker`s physical disappearance , Cuba loses a great friend, United States, a great son, the world a great man”, says the sentence that gives opening to the book of condolences, located in the headquarters of the delegation of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Towns (ICAP) in the county of Camagüey.

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