martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

With long light comes the carnivals of Santa Cruz del Sur

Santa Cruz del Sur, 7 Sep. - With a view to developing some profitable popular parties this 2010 in Santa Cruz del Sur, the members of the Local Commission of Recreation were activated, agents implied in finishing details to satisfy the demands of the town before the accustomed traditional activities of the territory.

It is plan to make the carnivalof Santa Cruz in coming October with the options that identify this southern region, those that include sale of certified foods for the Sectoral of Health, authorized personnel that also prioritizes the well-being of the consumers, under festival conditions.

Members of that Commission analyze from the date the preparations of the prospective popular parties who of group with professionals of the Electric Basic Organization of this city, will be the so much of the energy consumption during the festival days, for what called you to the residents and personal other people's that works in that day to the maximum cooperation for the sake of the efficiency and the saving also in these days. (Yamilé Agrenot Castillo)

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