miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

Gather in Camagüey fruits for infantile preserves

Camagüey, (AIN) The farmers of this county work in the bombfruit crop and of guava, for the pulp elaboration dedicated to the preserve production.

The effort of the agrarian ones responds to the deficit that had the mango gathering, when a thousand 900 tons were below the dear quantity.

Norberto Martínez, in charge of the area of fruit-bearing in the delegation of the Ministry of the Agriculture, said that the purpose is to gather some a thousand 500 tons of bombfruit and 300 of guava, in good measure in lands of rural cooperatives.

The matter prevails become pulp both procesators plants of the company canning vegetables.

Mayda López, technologist in that entity, pointed out that one hopes to obtain a thousand 100 tons of bombfruit pulp and 640 of guava, to replace the considerable reduction of that of mango.

The balance of the collection of this line finished with little more than three thousand tons, distant of the five thousand 700 planned.

It owed to the affectation of the plantations in its floration period , in February, when the sprinkles of cold fronts propitiated the attack of mushrooms, and also winds in April and May that caused the loss of flowers and small fruits, Martínez valued.

The official added that the county attacks a development program of fruit-bearing up to 2015 in the areas of the valley of Vats and of Camalote, in the north fringe, in Santa Cruz of the South and in the surroundings of the city of Camagüey.

In the periphery of the city, third in population of Cuba, the suburban agriculture advances, where the producing plan to foment 800 hectares of these cultivations, mostly mango, guava, bombfruit, pineapple and coconut.(Lucilo Tejera Díaz )

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