martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008

Reopens its doors in Camagüey shop El Encanto

Camagüey, Dec 29. - After almost nine months of capital repair starting from a fire of big proportions, the Store for Departments "El Encanto" in the city of Camagüey, reopened this Monday with a much more beautiful and more functional image that the property inaugurated in 1952.

Next to the town of Camagüey in the reopening were also Julio Cesar García, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in the county, Victor Gaute, integral of the Secretariat of the Central, Marine Committee Murillo, Secretary of InteriorTrade , between other authorities and companies.

The recovery of "The Charm", it is part of the homage to the anniversary 50 of the Victory of the Cuban Revolution, at the 495 of the formerly Villa of Santa María del Puerto del príncipe and to the 30 years of the Corporation CIMEX.

Leticia Morales, general manager of the branch of that signature in Camagüey meant that the emergent qualification of the units " Radio 26", the "Telegraph" and "The Creole Pony", in the provincial capital, after the catastrophe in El Encanto, allowed to the closing of this year the superior results of the plan of revenues of the branch of Camagüey.

On the other hand, Eduardo Bencomo, president of the Corporation CIMEX in the country, qualified the reopening this Monday, of the store El Encanto, in Camagüey, as a fruit of the solidarity when intervening in its rebuilding some 35 entities of the territory and several companies of other counties. (Yamylé Fernández and Loipa Araujo).

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