jueves, 1 de enero de 2009

President Raul Castro Pays Tribute to Cuba’s Martyrs

SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba, Jan 1 (acn) Cuban President Raul Castro today paid tribute to Cuba’s heroes and martyrs at the Santa Ifigenia cemetery in this eastern city as part of commemorations of the 50th Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

Raul laid wreaths in the name of Fidel Castro and his own at the mausoleum that treasures the remains of Cuban National Hero Jose Marti, as well as at the pantheon of the martyrs of the 1953 attack on the Moncada military barracks and at the monument raised to Cuban internationalist soldiers killed in action.

Revolution Commander Juan Almeida Bosque and Army Corps General Ramon Espinosa Martin, Chief of the Western Army, also paid tribute to the Cuban martyrs.

Raul Castro watched the change of the guard of honor permanently staged by cadets of the Revolutionary Armed Forces at the tomb of Jose Marti.

Rinde Raúl homenaje a los mártires de la Patria

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