viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009

Fidel Castro Enjoys Good Health, says Chilean President

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 12."Fidel Castro is enjoying good health; he is very active, as usual, and willing to learn about everything; that is something that impresses you," said in Havana Chile's President Michelle Bachelet, after she met with the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution for over an hour today.

In statements to the local and foreign press, President Bachelet, who is paying an official visit to Cuba, said that she spoke with Fidel for quite a long time. "He was very interested in Chile-related issues," she said and added that Fidel is looking at lots of information and statistics. "He was very interested in learning about the performance of the sectors in which we
have been successful."

Bachelet said that in her exchange with Fidel, he addressed the wine production and other Chilean economic sectors and he also spoke of ways to expand commercial relations between both countries.

"It was a very important dialog, particularly about the challenges facing the region and about what Latin American nations are currently experiencing amidst the international crisis," said Bachelet and noted that the meeting was very pleasant and significant since she believes that it has been positive for bilateral exchange; " a moment to show the way we are doing
things in Chile and to listen to his reflections and views."

(Fidel está muy bien de salud, afirma Presidenta de Chile)

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